Should your phone not operate properly, follow the Service Check List. If still inoperative, disconnect the phone and try
another phone (if one is available) or another cord to . determine whether the problem is in the telephone, the cord or the line. If i~ the phone, discontinue its use and follow the SERVICE procedure in this manual. If in the line, notify the telephone company immediately. The telephone company will charge for a service call if the problem is attributable to equipment you own.
In case of difficulty, check the following before seeking semice.
1.No dial tone. ● Check Cords: Are they inserted pro- propedy and secure~ Are they damaged?
●Check HOOK SW/TCH.- Does it fully etiend when Handset is lifted from cradle
2.Phone does not c Check PU~SE/TO~E switch. Is it in
dial out. | TONE | position which may not be |
| compatible with your localdialing service? | |
3. Phone does not | Q Is R/~GER SW/TC~ in OFF position? | |
ring. | c Are you using too many phones on one | |
| ||
| line? ~he total REN of all phones on the | |
| same line should not be greater than the | |
| mnimum” REN for your calling area. See | |
| FCC Registration Information on page 12.) | |
| DPerform. checks under first problem | |
| (Number | 1). |
4.Incoming and F Are other phones off hook at same time? If
outgoing voice | so, this is normal condition as volume | |
volume low. | drops when additional phones are used at | |
| once. |
5. Tone feedback | ~ This is normal as power is fluctuating with | |
flutter | when | phone outpulsing. |
dialing | in Pulse |
mode. |