
OWtoSetYourRange forBaking

1.I%sitiontheshelfor shelvesin {heoven.

~.Closeovendoor.TurnOVEN TEMPknobto desiredtemperature. Preheatovenfor at least 15minutes if prehe:itingis necessary.

3.Placef(mdin ovenon center ofshelf. Allowat least2 inches betweenedgeof bakewareandoven wailor adjacentcookware.

If cookingon twoshelvesat the sametime,placeshelvesabout4 inchesapartand staggerfoodon them.

4.Checkfoodfordonenessat minimumtimeon recipe.Cook longerif necessary.Switchoff heatand removefood.


reheatingisveryimportantwhen usingtemperaturesbelow225°F. andwhenbakingfoodssuchas biscuits,cookies,cakesandother pastries.

Preheatingis notnecessarywhen roastingor forlong-timecookingGf wholemeals.


Mostbakingis doneon the second shelfposition(B)fromthe bottom.

Whenbakingthreeor fouritems, usetwoshelvespositionedon the secondand fourthsetsof supports (B& D) frombottomof oven.

Bakeangelfoodcakeson first shelf position(A) frombottomof oven.


~Followa testedrecipeand measuretheingredientscarefully. If youare usinga packagemix,



f’ron!oftheovenor ontheblackglass doorwhenfirstturningontheoven, leavetheovendoorajarfora few minutesor untiitheovenis warm.


abakingoperation—heatwillbelost andthebakingtimemightneedto beextended.Thiscouldcausepoor bakingresuks.Ifyoumustopenthe door,openitpartially-only 3 or4 inches—andcloseitasquicklyas possible. ~Donotdisturbtheheatcirculation

intheovenwiththeuseofaluminum foil. If foilisused,placea small sheetof it, about10by 12inchesat themost,on a lowershelfseveral inchesbelowthefood.Donotplace foilontheovenbottom.

CommonBakingProblems andI?ossibkSolutions


Burning around edges @Oventoofill; avoidovercrowding. @Edgesofcrusttoothin. @Incorrectbakingtemperature.

Bottomcrust soggyand unbaked

. A11owcrustand/orfillingtocool sufficientlybeforefillingpieshell. oFillingmaybetoothinorjuicy.

~Fillingallowedto standinpieshell beforebaking.(Fillpieshellsand bakeimmediately.) ~Ingredientsandpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust. Usea testedrecipeandgoodtechnique. Makesuretherearenotinyholesor tearsina bottomcrust. “Patching” a piecrust couldcausesoaking.

l% fillingruns over

@Topandbottomcrustnotwell sealedtogether. ~Edgesofpiecrustnotbuiltup highenough, ~Toomuchfilling. @Checksizeofpieplate.

Pastry is tough; crust not flaky

~TOO muchhandling. ~Fattoosoftor cutintoofine.

Rolldoughlightlyandhandleas littleaspossible.

CAKES CakerkesM@eron oneside





Cakescracking on top @Oventemperaturetoohigh. ~Battertoothick,followrecipe or exactpackagedirections. @CheckforpropersheIfposition. @Checkpansizecalledforin recipe. * Impropermixingofcake.


*Toomuchshortening,sugaror liquid. ~Checkleaveningagent,baking powderor bakingsodatoassure freshness.Makea habitto note expirationdatesofpackaged ingredients.

eCakenotbakedlongenoughor at incorrecttemperature.

oIf addingoilto a cakemix, make certaintheoilisthetypeand amountspecified.

Crust is hard

oChecktemperature. o Checkshelfposition.

Cakehassoggylayerorstreaks at bottom @Underminingingredients.

e Shorteningtoosoftforproper


~TOO muchliquid.

Coowm & Blscmm Doughycenter; heavycrust on

surface ~Checktemperature.


*Followbakinginstructions carefullyas giveninreliablerecipe or onconveniencefoodpackage. ~Flatcookiesheetswillgivemore evenbakingresults.Don’tovercrowd foodsona bakingsheet. oConveniencefoodsusedbeyond theirexpirationdate.

Browningmore noticeableon oneside @Ovendoornotclosedproperly, checkgasketseal. ~Checkshelfposition.





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GE JGBC16GPJ manual ?!hMTtKitions, BaMngTips, Preheating, CommonBakingProblems andI?ossibkSolutions

JGBC16GPJ specifications

The GE JGBC16GPJ is a powerful and versatile gas range designed to elevate your cooking experience. With its modern aesthetics and advanced features, it stands out as an essential kitchen appliance for home chefs and culinary enthusiasts alike.

One of the main features of the GE JGBC16GPJ is its 5.0 cubic feet capacity oven. This spacious oven provides ample room to cook multiple dishes simultaneously, making it ideal for family meals or entertaining guests. The oven includes a self-cleaning function, allowing users to maintain cleanliness with minimal effort. This feature utilizes high temperatures to burn off food residues, leaving behind only ash that can be easily wiped away.

The range is equipped with a powerful PreciTouch digital oven controls, offering an intuitive interface for adjusting settings and monitoring cooking progress. This technology allows users to set precise cooking timers, temperatures, and modes, ensuring that every dish is cooked to perfection. Additionally, the oven boasts a bake and broil element that provides even heat distribution, which is essential for baking and roasting.

Another standout feature is the integrated gas burners. The cooktop features four sealed burners, each providing consistent heat control for a variety of cooking tasks. The range incorporates a powerful 15,000 BTU burner that is perfect for rapid boiling and stir-frying. For more delicate cooking tasks, the 5,000 BTU burner offers low simmer settings, ideal for sauces and gentle simmering.

The GE JGBC16GPJ also emphasizes safety and convenience with features such as the automatic shut-off for the oven and burner controls, and the child lock function. These characteristics are crucial for families with young children, providing peace of mind while cooking.

In terms of design, the GE JGBC16GPJ boasts a sleek stainless steel finish that not only enhances its visual appeal but also ensures durability and easy cleaning. The continuous cast-iron grates provide a sturdy surface for pots and pans, allowing for easier maneuvering during cooking.

In conclusion, the GE JGBC16GPJ is an impressive gas range that combines performance, safety, and style. With its spacious oven, advanced control technologies, and powerful cooktop features, it is well-equipped to handle the culinary demands of any home chef. Whether preparing a simple weeknight dinner or a grand feast, this range offers the versatility needed to create delicious meals with ease.