After PMCS IIS – Setting up PMCS Server For any PMCS remote viewer system to connect to the PMCS server, the
prerequisite is to have IIS installed on the PC first then .Net Framework
installed on the same PC and after that installation of PMCS. But if PMCS is
installed before IIS is installed on any PC then please follow the steps
mentioned in the below:
For Windows 2000 SP4 / Windows XP SP2 OS
1. Install PMCS with server licences
2. Install IIS
3. In the PMCS CD – there is dependencies folder .
3a. Double click on the dependencies folder.
3b. Double click on the PMCS_FS_Web folder
3c. Double click on PMCS_FS_WEB.bat file
3d. Double click on PMCS_FS_WEB.msi file.
3e. It will prompt with the startup dialog click on Next will install the
required components to make it to work for PMCS Remote Viewer
3f. Installation successful window is poped. Click Close to complete
the setup.
For Windows 2003 Server machine follow the below steps:
1. First Install PMCS
2. Install IIS
3. Follow the steps mentioned in “Application Note 120 – Adding ASP.net
component in W2K3 Server. PDF” kept in PMCS installation
CD\Tech_Doc\GE_CD\Application Notes. This step can be executed
either after PMCS is installed or before PMCS is installed but after IIS
is installed.
4. In the PMCS CD – there is dependencies folder.
3a. Double click on the dependencies folder.
3b. Double click on the PMCS_FS_Web folder
3c. Double click on PMCS_FS_WEB.bat file
3d. Double click on PMCS_FS_WEB.msi file.
3e. It will prompt with the startup dialog click on Next will install the
required components to make it to work for PMCS Remote Viewer
3f. Installation successful window is popped. Click Close to complete
the setup.
This will make the setup complete for setting up the PMCS server if IIS is
installed after PMCS.
Un-elicensing PMCS 44 • Installing the Software CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First