



'RFXPHQW￿1XPEHU￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5HY￿￿$ 0D\￿￿￿￿￿

Product Overview


Like all GE Security products, this Smart ConnectionCenterVideo Amplifier is a high quality module designed to meet the needs of the most demanding applications. The Video Amplifier takes inputs from CATV, Satellite TV, and off air signals and distributes them to any TV in the home. In addition, Internal inputs provide the ability to re-distribute signals from components, such as security cameras and other modulated sources, within the home to any other location. This versatile module is broadband approved and has been tested for HDTV, digital and analog TV. It provides the foundation for entertainment distribution in all Smart ConnectionCenter Pre- mium Systems.

Key Features

CATV Input.

Supports satellite and CATV distribution

Auxiliary input for security cameras

Internal inputs for re-distribution of sig- nals from DVDs and VCRs

High quality amplified outputs with 3 dB gain

Dedicated Modem Output port.

Broadband and HDTV ready

Installation Overview

This installation sheet describes the process for installing an RF Distribution Amplifier for Cable and Satellite TV in the Smart ConnectionCenter. For more information on this Video Amplifier, please refer to the product specifications provided on the back of this sheet.

Read all instructions carefully. Review tools and supplies list prior to installing the module.


The Video Amplifier is compatible with all Premium Smart ConnectionCenter models:

Can be included in all Premium Series Systems

Can be used with any camera.

Can be used for PAL or NTSC.

Can be used with any cable modem

Tools and Supplies


CC-PS1300 12 VDC Power Supply 1.3 Amp. (not included)

CC-PD1000 Power Distribution Module (not included)

Torque Wrench Recommended


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GE TV Video Accessories specifications 6HFXULW, Product Overview, Installation Overview