Ultra✭SportTM Floodlight
B e a m Efficiency =53%
Total Efficiency =86%
Beam Efficiency =54%
Total Efficiency =85%
Beam Efficiency =65%
Total Efficiency =84%
Beam Efficiency =70%
Total Efficiency =84%
The Ultra★Sport floodlight, on the other hand, utilizes an advanced
The elimination of the outer bulb allows placement of the lamp arc into the focal point of shallow parabolic reflector forms needed to build high center beam candle power and provide the highest beam efficiency possible with wide beam distributions.
This new lamp/reflector configuration produces a more efficient, oval light distribution with very tight vertical light control to minimize wasted light and maximize light on the playing field.
Glare/Spill Light
S01 =Stadium oval without internal glare control (NEMA 4X2)
S02 =Stadium oval with internal glare control (NEMA 4X2)
M01 =Medium oval without integral internal glare control (NEMA 4X2 [64x24])
M02 =Medium oval with integral internal glare control (NEMA 4X2 [70X24])
W01 =Wide oval without integral internal glare control (NEMA 5X3 [81X38])
W02 =Wide oval with integral internal glare control (NEMA 5X3 [81X37])
WW1 =Extra wide oval without internal glare control (NEMA 5X4)
WW2 =Extra wide oval with internal glare control (NEMA 5X4)