| Stain |
| White and Bleachable Fabrics | Other Washable Fabrics | ||||
| See Controls Setting Guide. |
| |
| Adhesives |
| Rub with ice or immerse in very cold water. U.\e dull rc)[)l t[) | Same as white and bleachable fabrics. | ||||
| (Chewing Gum, etc.) |
| cargfull} scrape ofla.s much adhe,sive or gum U.Y po,v.~ib[e. Sponge |
| |||
| with a safe dry cleaning fluid, * rinse well, then wash as usual. |
| |
| Antiperspirants, |
| Apply undiluted liquid detergent. Rinse. If stain remains, bleach | Same as white and bleachable fabrics | ||||
| Deodorants |
| according to the Stain Removal Hint; launder. If color has changed, | except use | ||||
| you may be able to restore it by sponging with ammonia.** |
| |
| Rinse thoroughly. |
| |
| Blood |
| Soak in cold water, then launder in warm water. If stain remains, | Sponge or soak in cool water, then | ||||
| bleach according to the Stain Removal Hint; launder. | launder. | ||
| |
Chocolate, Cream, |
| Soak in cold water. Treat stain with a safe dry cleaning fluid,* | Soak in cold water. Sponge with a safe | |||||
Ice Cream and Milk |
| rinse well, then wash as usual. Bleach according to the Stain | cleaning fluid,* rinse well, then wash | |||||
| Removal Hint. | as usual. | ||
| |
Coffee and Tea |
| Without cream: Bleach according to the Stain Removal Hint; | Sponge with warm water. If stain remains, | |||||
| launder. With cream: Follow guide directions for cream. | apply warm glycerine, let stand 30 | ||
| minutes and rinse well, or sponge with | |
| a safe dry cleaning fluid, + rinse well, | |
| then wash as usual. | |
| |
Cosmetics: Eye Shadow, |
| Treat stain with safe dry cleaning fluid,* rinse well, then wash | Sponge with a safe dry cleaning tluid,* | |||||
Lipstick, Mascara, Liquid |
| as usual. Bleach according to the Stain Removal Hint. | rinse well, then wash as usual. | |||||
or Pancake Makeup, Rouge, |
| |||
Powder; Crayon; Grease, |
| |||
Oil, Tar, Cod Liver Oil |
| |||
| ||
Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juices, |
| Soak stain in cool water. If stain remains, bleach according to | Sponge with warm water. Bleach remaining | |||||
Wine, Vegetables or Food |
| the Stain Removal Hint; launder. | stain with | |||||
Coloring |
| |||
| |||
Grass, Foliage, Flowers, |
| Apply undiluted liquid detergent. Launder. (Treat mildew spots | Sponge with warm water. Apply undiluted | |||||
Mildew, Scorch |
| while they are fresh, before mold has a chance to weaken fabric. ) | /iquid derergerrr. Bleach remaining stain | |||||
| If either type stain remains, bleach according to the Stain Removal | with | ||
| Hint; launder. (Severe scorch cannot be removed.) | Old mildew stains can seldom be | ||
| removed. Scorch can seldom | |
| be removed. | |
| ||||
Ink, Ballpoint |
| Fresh stains: Place stain face down on an absorbent towel and | Same as white and bleachable fabrics | |||||
| use a spray cleaner or sponge with dry cleaning tluid, * rinse well, | except launder using | ||
| then wash as usual. Old stfiins: Bleach according to the Stain |
| ||
| Removal Hint; launder. |
| |
| |||||
Perspiration |
| Apply undiluted liquid detergent and launder in warm water. | Launder in warm water. Rinse well. Bleach | |||||
| [f color has changed you maybe able to restore it by treating | with | ||
| with ammonia or vinegar. ** [f any stain remains, treat with sate |
| |
| dry cleaning fluid,* rinse well, then wash as usual. |
| ||
| |||||
Rust |
| Apply rust remover, ** Usjng manufacturer’s directions. Rinse | Same as white and bleachable fabrics | |||||
| and launder. |
| ||
A*Caution: Because cleaning fluids [end LO be [oxic, be sure VmI
A are in a well ventilated mom when using them. Nn cleaning tluid should be used unless user is familiar with [he limitations
and required cautions (usually printed on label). Use cxtrcmc caution with flammable compounds.
Under nu circumstances should fabrics containing flammable Imatcrials (waxes, cleaning fluids, etc.) be washed in wasber.
**~() not [mix Chlorine b[eacfr with ~mmonia or acids such as
vinegar and/or rust remover. Mixing can prnduce a toxic gas which may cause death.
SJVC and refer to garment manufticturcr ’s c:tre labels.