beginning of every track). Pressing the SINGLE-AUTO CUE/CONTINU- OUS BUTTON (3) a second time activates the CONTINUOUS function causing the unit to play continuously (after the last track, the unit will return to the first track of the disc and continue to play). Pressing the SINGLE-AUTO CUE/CONTINUOUS BUTTON (3) a third time deactivates the CONTINUOUS function.
ROBO START: Press the ROBO START BUTTON (1) to activate ROBO START function (the button will blink). Use ROBO START in SINGLE- AUTO CUE MODE to alternate play between the two sides of the CD player (one track from one side, then one track from the other side).
See the Robo Start Instructions section for further instructions.
4%, 12% and 24% BUTTONS: Use the 4%, 12% and 24% BUTTONS (14) to assign the percent the pitch control slide will have. The 4% BUTTON will assign +/-4% to the pitch control slide. The 12% BUTTON will assign +/-12% to the pitch control slide. The 24% BUTTON will assign +/-24% to the pitch control slide. The PITCH (18) must be ON for the 4%, 12% and 24% BUTTONS (14) to work.
PITCH: Pushing the PITCH BUTTON (18) activates the PITCH CONTROL (15). The pitch of the CD will change according to the position of the PITCH CONTROL (15).
: Pushing the PITCH BEND BUTTONS (29) will automatically raise the pitch up to +4% or lower the pitch down to -4% from the existing pitch setting. Releasing the buttons will return the pitch to the original pitch setting. You can use this function to match the pitch bend when mixing from one song to another.
DIGITAL OUTPUT JACK: Connecting any type of DAT, MD, HARD DRIVE, or other such items which accept digital signals to the BNC OUTPUT CONNECTOR (34) on the rear panel of the transports allows you to record a digital signal. from CD.
EFFECT ON/OFF BUTTON: The EFFECT ON/OFF BUTTON (19) turns all effects on and off.
EFFECT SELECT BUTTON: The EFFECT SELECT BUTTON (20) allows you to select one of five different effects:
The SCRATCH effect makes it possible for the jog wheel to “scratch” the music as it plays. If you move the wheel back and forth the music will stop and play slowly as the wheel is moved, similar to scratching a record. When the wheel stops moving the music will continue.
The ZOOM effect changes the delay time by rotating the jog wheel, mixing a short delay with the playback sound. This function allows you to produce the sound of a jet engine (flanger effect) using a single CD player.
The FILTER effect allows you to change the cutoff frequency of the playback sound when the jog wheel is rotated. This allows the DJ to extract and play back specific parts from the playback sound.
The ECHO effect adds echo to the music. The delay time can be adjusted by turning the jog wheel to the left or right.
The REVERSE effect plays your musical selection backwards. When the effect is activated the music will play backwards until it is released.
Effect parameters can be adjusted by: 1. Holding down the EFFECT ON/ OFF BUTTON (19) for 3 seconds (the LCD display will indicate the parameter), 2. Using the JOG WHEEL (9) to change the parameter and 3. Pressing the ON/OFF BUTTON (19 to return to normal mode.
As you press the EFFECT SELECT BUTTON (20) the EFFECT LED (21) for that particular effect will light (Scratch = 1, Zoom = 2, Filter = 3, Echo
=4, Reverse = 5). If you hold down the EFFECT SELECT BUTTON (20) continuously for 3 seconds or more, it will HOLD the effect parameters until you press the button again to release the effect.
BRAKE BUTTON: The BRAKE BUTTON (22) simulates the effect of a turntable slowing down to a stop. The brake parameters can be adjusted by pressing and holding the BRAKE BUTTON (22) for 3 seconds and using the JOG WHEEL (9) to adjust.
MASTER TEMPO BUTTON: The MASTER TEMPO BUTTON (23) control locks in the music’s pitch even when the tempo changes. You can vary the beat with no change in vocal or instrument tone.
SAMPLER: You can create a sample by first creating a loop. Set the starting cue point using either the JOG WHEEL (9) or FLY CUE BUTTON (10). Then set your end loop point by using the B/EXIT BUTTON (11). Now that you have created your loop, press the SAMPLER BUTTON (24). Now you have created your sample. To play your sample during your performance press the SAMPLER BUTTON (24). Press again to stop playing sample. To clear your sample simply hold the STOP BUTTON (4) down for 3 seconds or more.
*NOTE: your sample will remain in the memory until you either clear it or create a new sample. You may change CDs and still use the sample you created previously.
RELOOP/STUTTER (12): Used for repeated play (stutter) from the cue point, repeating a previously set loop. The reloop function automatically returns the music to the cue point and will play the loop until it is released with the CUE B/EXIT BUTTON (11). CD starts instant play from the previously set cue points.
CUE BUTTONS: The CD-2000Xallows you to set up to 5 different cue points using the CUE BUTTONS (25). To set each individual cue point, press the MEMO BUTTON (26) and then a cue button (Cue 1-5). You can keep setting cue points up to 5. As your music is playing, if you would like it to jump to one of your set cue points, simply press that individual cue button (Cue 1-5) and the music will jump to that point.
BOP BUTTON: When you set a cue point using the CUE BUTTON (16) or FLY CUE BUTTON (10A) you can return to that cue point at any time during the musical performance simply by pressing the BOP BUTTON
(7). The music will immediately return to that point.
BPM/PITCH BUTTON: The BPM/PITCH BUTTON (37) enables you to adjust the beats per minute of the music either automatically or manually. Press the BPM/PITCH BUTTON (37) to activate the automatic BPM control. To switch to manual operation, press and hold the BPM/PITCH BUTTON (37) for 3 seconds. Then tap the button in the tempo of your choice and the music will set itself to that tempo.
1.Make sure that the VOLTAGE SELECTOR switch (30), found on the rear panel, is set for the proper voltage. Plug the unit in and press the POWER BUTTON (21). The unit will turn on. Pushing the POWER BUTTON (21) a second time will turn the unit off.
2.Press the OPEN/CLOSE BUTTON (27), place a CD in the DISC TRAY (20) and press the OPEN/CLOSE BUTTON (27) again. The tray will close into the unit.
3.Push the TRACK SKIP 
+10 BUTTONS (13) to select the track you want to play.
4.Press the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (17) and the unit will instantly play.
To use FLY CUE (10A) to set a cue point, follow these instructions:
1.With the unit in the play mode (play/pause LED glows green), press FLY CUE (10A) at the point where you want the cue point to be (the unit will continue to play). The cue point is now memorized. Press the CUE BUTTON (16) to return to the memorized cue point. Push the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (17), and the unit will instantly play from the spot selected.
2.Press FLY CUE (10B) to memorize a cue point as music is playing. You
can use FLY CUE (10B) to create a loop using FLY CUE (10B) and the
1.To memorize the spot at which you want play to start, select the proper track, and then push the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (17) so the unit goes into the play mode (play/pause LED will glow green). Listen to the CD and when the CD gets to the approximate spot, push PLAY/PAUSE (17) so the unit goes into pause mode (play/pause LED will blink green). Move the JOG WHEEL (9) to the precise spot you want play to begin and push the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (17) to memorize the cue point. Press the CUE BUTTON (16) to return to the memorized cue point. Push the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (17), and the unit will instantly play from the spot selected.
2.To fine tune a cue point, pause play at the memorized cue point (the cue LED will glow and the play/pause LED will blink), then use the JOG WHEEL (9) to scan frame by frame (1/75th of a second) to where you want play to begin (the cue LED will blink while you scan). Press PLAY/PAUSE (17) to save the new cue point.
NOTE: During fine tuning there will be a stutter effect (to help you find the beat). The stuttering effect will end when you press the PLAY/ PAUSE (17) to save the cue point.