Generac Mega 2500 Extended Life Generator





Check fluid level in all battery cells. If necessary, add








ONLY distilled water to cover separators in battery

Let engine stabilize and warm up for about five min-








utes after starting.






If the battery is equipped with vent caps, make sure

Use this generator to operate 120 volts, single phase, 60




they are installed and are tight.

Hz, ac lighting, appliance, tool and motor loads.


If necessary, clean battery posts or terminals.

DO NOT connect 240 volts to 120 volts outlets.



Connect battery charge cable connector plug to panel

DO NOT connect any 3-phase loads to panel recep-




receptacle identified by the words “12-VOLT D.C.






(Figure 7).

DO NOT connect any 50 Hz loads to the generator.






Figure 7 — 12 Volt D.C. Receptacle

DO NOT overload the generator.





12–VOLT D.C.

Add up rated watts of all lights, tool, appliance and motor






loads you are powering at one time. This total should




NOT be greater than (a) generator’s rated wattage




capacity, or (b) circuit breaker rating of the receptacle




supplying power. See “Don’t Overload the Generator” on




Page 8.
































Disconnect all electrical loads







Run engine at no-load for about five minutes,







• Turn off the engine by moving the On/Off Switch to the















“OFF” position. See engine manual.

• Connect battery charge cable clamp with red handle










to battery post or terminal indicated by a POSITIVE,





POS or (+).






DANGER: Storage batteries give off explosive

• Connect battery charge cable clamp with black handle




hydrogen gas while charging. An explosive mix-

to battery post or terminal indicated by a NEGATIVE,




ture will remain around battery for a long time

NEG, or (–).




after it has been charged. The slightest spark










Figure 8 — Connect Battery Cables




can ignite gas and cause an explosion. Such an




explosion can shatter battery and cause blind-




























ness or other serious injury.










DANGER: Do Not Permit smoking, open flame,










sparks or any other source of heat around a bat-










tery. Do not use a lighter or other flame for










checking battery fluid levels. Wear protective



















goggles, rubber apron and rubber gloves when










working around a battery. Battery electrolyte










fluid is an extremely caustic sulfuric acid solu-










tion that can cause severe burns. Do not permit

• Start engine (see “Starting the Engine” on Page 6). Let




fluid contact with eyes, skin, clothing etc. If




the engine run while battery recharges.




Spill occurs, flush area with clear water imme-




• When battery has charged, shut down engine (see









“Stopping the Engine” on Page 7).



NOTE: Use an automotive hydrometer to test battery



Your generator has the capability of recharging a dis-

state of charge and condition. Follow the hydrometer

charged 12-volt automotive or utility style storage

manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Generally, a bat-

battery. Do not use the unit to charge any 6-volt batter-

tery is considered to be at 100% state of charge when

ies. Do not use the unit to crank an engine having a

specific gravity of its fluid (as measured by hydrometer)

discharged battery. To recharge 12-volt batteries, pro-

is 1.260.

ceed as follows:

E x t e n d e d L i f e G e n e r a t o r


Page 7
Image 7
Generac 2500 manual Applying Electrical Loads, Stopping the Engine, Battery Safety, Charging a Battery