F u n c t i o n | Display LEDs |
Speed / | Pegs shines white, |
A c c u r a c y | A shines blue |
S e t t i n g s |
MCK Position
Enter Setup
Mode and turn to
A c t i o n
P ress display once. C u rrent Speed / Accuracy setting will be indicated by flashing green LEDs (as described below)
R e m a r k s
The Powertune system is adjustable to a pitch accuracy of .2 Cent. However, this will cause tuning functions to take slightly longer, and in live applications a relaxed accuracy is advisable. T h e re are 6 levels of setting. The factory preset setting will show 4 green flashing LEDs, indicating that you are using an accuracy setting of approx.
1 Cent, which is practical for most applications. Relaxing this setting will cause the overall tuning p rocess to run at a faster rate, and this can be useful in live applications. In the studio, you would want the maximum accuracy measurable. In this case, range will be changed and adjusted by rotating the MCK. The high end of accuracy (.2 Cent) is indicated by 6 green LEDs. The low end (i.e., fastest speed) is indicated by one green LED.
Even at the low end, accuracy of tuning is still
2.5Cent! To store your chosen setting, press display once. You will leave Setup Mode automatically.