F u n c t i o n | Display LEDs | A c t i o n |
R e m a r k s
Custom Altere d Tuning
MCK Position
Pull MCK out and t u rn to Peg LED
To create your own ”Custom Altere d Tuning,” disengage each Powerhead of the string re q u i red and tune it manually to the pitch you want. Then pre s s the display once, and the Peg LED will shine g reen and the string LEDs will shine red. Now strum all strings one by one (do not
s t rum too hard!) and when their fre q u e n c i e s have been measure d and stored their corre- sponding LEDs will shine green.
When all strings of your Custom Altered Tuning have been registered, the string LEDs will flash blue 3 times. You may now store your Custom Altered Tuning to one of the
f a c t o ry preset positions. Select E, A, D, G, B, or e, and press the display once. The display LEDs will flash blue 3 times to indicate your new Custom Reference Tuning has been
s t o red at that position, and can be re c a l l e d in the same manner as any other preset.
(Remember that when you store your Custom A l t e red Tuning, you will override the preset position you have chosen.)