n Tool bar |
Find Access Point | Connect To AP By IP |
Save AP Configuration | Load AP configuration |
Page Copy | Page Paste |
System Reboot | Load Default |
-Find Access Point: Find all AP in the same subnet.
-Save AP Configuration: Save all setting of the AP to a temp file.
-Load AP Configuration: Load the setting of the temp file that you saved before to the current AP.
-Page Copy: Copy the setting of the current page.
-Page Paste: Paste the setting you has copied to the current page.(You can paste the setting of AP1 to AP2 at the same tab page.)
-System Reboot: Reboot the Access Point.
-Load Default: Set the Access Point to the manufacture default.
-Connect To AP By IP: If you want to manage the AP in the different subnet, use this function and key in the IP.