Call Waiting
If someone calls you while you are already on a call, GloPhone beeps, and the new caller’s telephone number is displayed in the GloPhone window.
To answer the incoming call, click Talk. To return to your original call, click Talk again.
You must have a GloPhone service plan that includes Call
Waiting to use this feature.
Call Forwarding
You can forward your GloPhone calls to another phone number (GloPhone, landline, or mobile).
To forward calls:
1Click Forward Calls. GloPhone displays “Call Ringing” in the display window and then “Call Answered.” You will hear a beep.
2Using the GloPhone keypad, dial the number to which you want your calls forwarded. The number is displayed on the GloPhone status display window.
Remember to dial a “1” before dialing any GloPhone, mobile, and
10Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
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