Buzzaround XL Owner’s Manual | RevA_092210 |
VI. RIDING YOUR Buzzaround XL™
As you use your Golden Buzzaround XL to greatly increase your mobility, you will undoubtedly encounter some obstacles that will require practice to negotiate smoothly and safely. Below are some common obstacles that you may meet during the daily use of your scooter. Listed with those obstacles are some driving tips that should help you conquer those obstacles. Learn and follow those tips, and with surprising ease you will soon be in control of your Buzzaround XL as you maneuver it through doors, up and down ramps, up and over curbs, through grass and gravel, and up and down inclines.
When proceeding up any ramp, curb, or incline:
• Lean forward in your seat to move your center of gravity forward for maximum stability and safety.
If the ramp has a switchback, good cornering ability is required.
•Maneuver your Buzzaround XL so that the front wheels take wide swings around the corners of the ramp.
•Doing this will allow your scooter's back wheels to follow a wide arc around the corner, staying clear of obstacles.
If you must stop your Buzzaround XL while driving up a ramp:
•Starting up again simply requires that you apply gentle and steady forward power pressure to the throttle control lever.
•Accelerate gently after stopping on any incline.
Driving down a ramp:
•Keep your Buzzaround XL’s speed control dial set fully counterclockwise at the slowest speed setting.
•If you must come to a stop, release the throttle control lever slowly and smoothly.
Prevent injury! Do not drive down an incline in reverse.
•See specifications for maximum curb height.
•Always use caution when negotiating any curb.
•Go up or down a curb head on at a direct 90° angle.
•Approach and negotiate the curb so that both back wheels of your scooter go over the curb at the same time.
•Never negotiate inclines or curbs by traversing them. Doing so may cause the scooter to tip over.
•Go down a curb slowly to avoid a jarring bump. Use as little power as possible.
Grass and Gravel
Your Golden Buzzaround XL performs admirably on grass, gravel, and hills, but you must follow the operational parameters presented in this manual. Refer to the “Safety” section. If you are unsure about any situation, avoid it. Common sense is your best protection.
•Feel free to use your Golden Buzzaround XL on lawns or in park areas.
•Avoid long or high grass, which may wrap around your scooter's axles.
•Avoid loose gravel.