How to Flush the Gun
Toreduce the risk of serious injury, including
splashing fluid in the eyes or on the skin, or static
electric discharge when flushing:
DBe sure the entire system, includingflushing
pails, are properly grounded.
DRemove the tip guard and spray tip.
DMaintain metal to metal contact between the
gun and the flushing pail.
DUse the lowest possiblepressure.
Always flush the pump and gun before the fluid being
sprayed candry in it.
NOTE: This procedure requires a grounded pail of
compatible solvent.
1. Relievepressure.
2. Remove the tip guard and spray tip. Soak and
clean the parts.
3. Remove the pump intake from the original pail.
4. Put the pump intake in a grounded pail of compat-
ible solvent.
5. Start the pump at its lowest pressure.
6. Trigger the gun into the original pail. When solvent
appears, release the trigger.
7. Now trigger the gun into the solvent pail. Circulate
the fluid until the system is thoroughly flushed.
8. Relievepressure.