312759R 75
When this error is generated, a pop-up with the error-code will be shown continuously until the error
condition is corrected. The machine and display module are completely disabled until the error condi-
tion is corrected.
When this error is generated, a pop-up with the error-code will be shown. Any auto-sequencing, purge
timer or recirculation timer operation in progress will be stopped and the foot switch will be disabled
until the error-condition is cleared. The error-code pop-up will be shown until the error condition is
cleared. When the error condition is cleared, all options may be turned back on.
When this error is generated, a pop-up with the error-code will be shown until it is acknowledged by
pressing the Enter button ( ). Any auto-sequencing in progress will be stopped, and the foot
switch will be disabled until the error-code is acknowledged. Once the error-code pop-up is acknowl-
edged, the machine will return to normal operation The error will be shown in the Errors screen until
the condition is cleared. The error-code pop-up will not reappear unless the error condition is cleared
and then reappears. This error will not disable purge or recirculation operation.
When this error is generated, a pop-up with the error-code will be shown until it is acknowledged by
pressing the Enter button ( ). All heat options will be turned off, any auto-sequencing in progress
will be stopped, and the foot switch will be disabled until the error-code is acknowledged. When the
error condition is cleared, the heat control may be turned back on from the Home screen. This error
will not disable purge or recirculation operation.
When this error is generated, a pop-up with the error-code will be shown until it is acknowledged by
pressing the Enter button ( ). All heat options will remain on, any auto-sequencing in progress will
be stopped, and the foot switch will be disabled until the error-code is acknowledged. This error will
not disable purge or recirculation operation.
Reference System Behavior Description