Tot Wheels Entertainer®
Activity Center
Model No.
Serial No.
Dear Customer,
Please fill in the model and serial numbers above from the label on the underside of the tray.
Model 4033
Congratulations on your purchase of a Graco® Tot Wheels Entertainer® activity center!
Graco is the recognized leader in the design and manufacture of quality baby products. We believe your new Graco® Tot Wheels Entertainer® activity center is a wise choice, promising many hours of enjoyment for your baby.
Before using your activity center, please take a few minutes to read this Owner’s Manual. The short time you spend reading these instructions will help you use your activity center properly.
Customer Satisfaction
Our goal is to make every product the best it can be! We are also committed to supporting our products after purchase. If you would like to speak with us about your product, please contact our Customer Service Department at
Graco is concerned about the safety of every child who uses one of are equally concerned about the safety of their children. There are ce help minimize the risk that a baby using one of our mobile activity ce charge of the baby should always follow these rules.
1. Never leave your baby unattended.
Most accidents happen to children while they are unsupervised. At a the baby at all times keeping the baby under a watchful eye. Becaus speed and is eager to explore all sorts of potential hazards, direct an times. If you believe proper supervision of your baby cannot be guara which the baby cannot be adequately protected while using our mobi and that you consider instead an activity center without wheels, swin
2. Properly prepare your baby’s play spa
Potential hazards in the room must be removed or guarded against b mind that the mobile activity center gives the baby the ability to move otherwise be possible. That means it’s important to prepare play spa reach, and closing doors to keep the baby away from potential hazar
•Stairs | •Blind o |
•Steps | •Object |
•Raised thresholds | •Dangli |
•Driveways and sidewalks | •Pots a |
•Ramps or inclines | •Books |
•Decks | •Bathtu |
•Ranges, heaters, fireplaces, hot | •Swimm |
•liquids and other heat sources | •Any ot |
Only your commitment to safety can give your c
When to use your Tot Wheels Entertaine
•Your baby should be able to sit unaided and be able to | •W |
•support most of his/her body weight with his/her legs | •pla |
•(about 6 months old). | •W |
•Both feet should be able to touch the floor. | •ac |
When NOT to use your Tot Wheels Enter
•Do not use until your child can sit up alone. | •If t | |
•When your child can walk unaided. | •lev | |
•When your child reaches 30 lbs. in weight. | •If y | |
•When your child has grown over 32 inches in height. | •If y | |
•If your activity center has become broken or damaged. | •to | |
•If you haven’t prepared a safe play space for your baby. |
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Other things to avoid |
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•Don’t lift or carry your baby in the activity center. | •Do | |
•Don’t adjust the activity center with your baby in it. | •tab | |
•Don’t use the activity center if it is broken or damaged. | •Ke | |
| •an |
Graco® activity centers have been designed with your child’s enjoyment by following these guidelines and using simple common sense. Let’s wo
© 2000 Graco | 2 |