Graco Inc. warrants all equipment manufactured by it and bearing its name to be free from defects in
material and workmanship under normal useandservice.This warranty enendsto the original purchaser for a period of 12 months from the date of purchaseand applies only when theequipment is installed and operated in accordance with written factory recommendations. This warranty does nor coverdamage or wear which, in the reasonable judgment ofGraco.arises from misuse,abrasion, corrosion, negligence. accident, substitution of
This warranty is conditioned upon the prepaid return of the equipment claimed to bedefective for examination by Graco to verily the claimed defect. If the claimed defect is verified..Graco will repair or replace free of charge. any defective parts. The equipment will be returned to the Original purchaser transportation prepaid. If inspection of the equipment does not disclose any defectin workmanship or material, repairs will be made ai a reasonable charge and return transportation will be charged.
EOUIPMENTNOTCOVEREDBY GRACO WARRANPI. Accessories orcomponentsofequipment soldby Graco that are not manufactured by Graco (such as electric motors, switches, hose, etc.) aresubjectto the warranty. if any. of their manufacturer. Graco will provide purchaserwith reasonable assistancein making such claims.
Factory Branches: Atlanta. Dallas. Detroit. Los Angelsr. West Caldwell IN.J.1
Subsidiary and Affiliate Compenies: Canada; England: Switzerland; France: Germany; Hong Kong; Japan
6RACQ INC. P.8. BOX 14411 MUNNEAPOUS. WIN 55440-1444
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