8.Slowly lower the patient into the wheelchair.
9.With one (1) attendant behind the wheelchair and the other operating the lift, the attendant behind the chair should pull back on the handle or sides of the sling to place the patient into the back of the chair. This will maintain a good center of balance and prevent the chair from tipping forward.
Removing sling
Gently pull the leg sections to the side, out from under the patient’s thighs. Standing by the patient’s side, lean the patient forward while supporting the patient with one hand. Pull the sling up from behind the patient’s back and position the patient in the chair.
Warning: Pulling sharply on the sling may cause the patient to fall forward, resulting in personal injury. Always support the patient by keeping one arm around the patient’s shoulders when placing or removing the sling.
Note: If possible, the patient should be encouraged to take an active part in removing the sling. The patient can lean forward, lift their thighs, and help in removing the leg sections.
Transferring the patient from a bed to a wheelchair or commode chair
1.For smooth, easy lifting, have the wheelchair or commode chair in ready position.
2.With patient in center of bed, roll on side away from attendant.
3.Place sling halfway under patient with lower edge just beneath knees.
4.Roll patient to side toward attendant and center patient on sling.
5.With base of lift under bed, release pressure knob by turning
6.Hook each chain at the red link onto the swivel bar securely.
7.Lock rear casters. Turn pressure knob clockwise until tight, and lift the patient by operating the pump handle.
8.Lift patient until feet will swing easily off the bed keeping patient facing attendant.
9.Unlock rear casters and position patient above wheelchair or commode chair. Lock brakes of both lift and wheelchair or commode chair.
10.Release pressure knob by turning
11.For transfer to wheelchair or commode chair, when patient is seated, push down on boom to slacken chains and remove S hooks from sling. Patient can remain seated on sling.
12.For commode chair use, adjust clothing before moving lift to straddle commode chair. Keep chains taut and ensure that patient is in a comfortable position.