5. L]^aZ hjeedgi^c\ i]Z X]jX` l^i] dcZ ]VcY! hcj\i]ZYgVlWVgl^i]i]Z')bblgZcX]#

Note: Do not overtighten the drawbar. Overtightening makes arbor removal difficult and will damage the arbor and threads.

6. GZ^chiVaai]ZYgVlWVgXVe#


1. 9>H8DCC:8I I=: B68=>C: ;GDB EDL:G

2. GZbdkZ i]Z hV[Zin XVe i]Vi XdkZgh i]Z YgVlWVg#


DO NOT completely unscrew the drawbar before striking it with the hammer. You will damage the threads on the drawbar and the arbor.

3.Jh^c\i]Z')bblgZcX]!addhZci]ZYgVlWVg dcZijgcdcan#9DCDIgZbdkZ^i#

4. IVei]Zided[i]ZYgVlWVgl^i]i]Z]VbbZg# I]^h l^aa jchZVi i]Z iVeZg d[ i]Z VgWdg [gdb i]Zhe^cYaZhZZFigure 15#

5.=daY dcZ ]VcY jcYZg i]Z X]jX` VcY [^c^h] addhZc^c\ i]Z YgVlWVg Wn ]VcY jci^a ^i [Vaah djid[i]Zhe^cYaZ#

Note: The chuck is attached to the arbor using a JT3 taper. This attachment is consid- ered to be semi-permanent. There should be no need to remove the chuck from the arbor. Inspect the chuck from time to time to make sure it is still tight on the arbor. If it is loose, use a dead-blow or other soft headed ham- mer to re-seat the taper.


R-8 Collets

>[ ndj Yd cdi jhZ i]Z Yg^aa X]jX` VcY VgWdg! ndj cZZYidjhZVXdaaZiid^chZgii]ZXjii^c\idda^cid i]Z he^cYaZ# Ndjg BdYZa <%*&. [ZVijgZh Vc G"- he^cYaZ iVeZg! l]^X] \^kZh i]Z [gZZYdb id jhZ hiVcYVgYG"-XdaaZih#I]ZhZdei^dcVaXdaaZihXdbZ ^c bVcn h^oZh! ine^XVaan gVc\^c\ [gdb &¿&+ id ,¿- VcY (bb id '%bb! VcY h]djaY WZ bViX]ZY id ndjgXjii^c\iddah]Vc`h^oZ#


1.9>H8DCC:8I I=: B68=>C: ;GDB EDL:G

2. JchXgZli]ZYgVlWVgXVe#

3. Jh^c\ V XaZVc gV\! XVgZ[jaan l^eZ XaZVc i]Z hjg[VXZd[i]ZXdaaZiVcYhe^cYaZiVeZg#:chjgZ i]Vi^i^h[gZZd[YZWg^hVcY^ha^\]iand^aZY#

4. >chZgi i]Z Xjii^c\ idda ^cid i]Z XdaaZi! i]Zc ^chZgii]ZXdaaZije^cidi]Zhe^cYaZiVeZg#

5. GdiViZ i]Z XdaaZi hd ^i Zc\V\Zh i]Z Va^\c" bZcie^c^ch^YZd[i]Zhe^cYaZ!i]Zcha^YZi]Z XdaaZijelVgYjci^a^ibV`ZhXdciVXil^i]i]Z YgVlWVgi]gZVYh#

6. I]gZVY i]Z YgVlWVg ^cid i]Z XdaaZi jci^a i]Z XdaaZiYgVlhje^cidi]Zhe^cYaZiVeZg#

7. L]^aZ hjeedgi^c\ i]Z idda ^c i]Z XdaaZi l^i] dcZ]VcY!hcj\i]ZYgVlWVgl^i]i]Z')bb lgZcX]^cndjgdeedh^iZ]VcY#

Note: Do not overtighten the drawbar. Overtightening makes collet removal difficult and will damage the drawbar threads, collet, and the spindle taper. Keep in mind that the taper keeps the collet and tool in place. The drawbar simply aids in seating the taper.


Page 21
Image 21
Grizzly G0519 Collets, Removal,  GZchiVaaiZYgVlWVgXVe#, 9H8DCC8I I= B68=C GDB EDLG  JchXgZliZYgVlWVgXVe#