
1.9>H8DCC:8I I=: B68=>C: ;GDB EDL:G

2. I^\]iZci]Zhe^cYaZadX`#

LACERATION HAZARD! Leading edges of end mills and other cutting tools can be very sharp. Protect your hands with gloves or a shop towel when handling.

3. EgdiZXii]ZiVWaZhjg[VXZl^i]Ve^ZXZd[XVgY" WdVgYdg]daYi]ZXjiiZg$iddal^i]Vh]deidlZa idegZkZci^i[gdb[Vaa^c\djid[i]ZXdaaZi#

4. Jh^c\i]Z')bblgZcX]!addhZci]ZYgVlWVg dcZijgc#


DO NOT completely unscrew the drawbar before striking it with the hammer. You will damage the threads on the drawbar and the arbor.

5. Jh^c\ V ]VbbZg! iVe dc i]Z YgVlWVg id jchZVii]ZiVeZg#

6# JchXgZli]ZgZhid[i]ZYgVlWVgWn]VcYVcY gZbdkZi]ZXdaaZi#

Note: When not in use, always remove collets and cutting tools from the spindle taper. Oxidation may cause the collet to seize and make it hard to remove later.


Headstock Travel

(Z-axis and Rotation)

I]Z ]ZVYhidX` ]Z^\]i ^h VY_jhiVWaZ ^c i]Z kZgi^" XVaO"Vm^hidVXXZeiaVg\Zldg`e^ZXZh#;dgjc^fjZ deZgVi^dch! i]Z ]ZVYhidX` XVc WZ i^aiZY g^\]i dg aZ[i WZilZZc %• VcY .%•# Ndjg bVX]^cZ ]Vh V YdkZiV^aZY ha^YZ i]Vi Vaadlh ndj id gZedh^i^dc i]Z ]ZVYhidX`VcYX]Vc\Zidda^c\l^i]djiadh^c\ndjg Va^\cbZcil^i]V]daZdgb^aa^c\eVi]#

Raising or Lowering the Headstock

1.JcadX`i]Z]ZVYhidX`ha^YZadX`aZkZghh]dlc ^cFigure 17#

=ZVYhidX`Ha^YZ AdX`AZkZgh

Figure 17. =ZVYhidX`ha^YZXdcigdah#

2.Ijgc i]Z O"Vm^h ]VcYXgVc` h]dlc ^c Figure 18idgV^hZdgadlZgi]Z]ZVYhidX`!i]ZcadX` i]Z]ZVYhidX`ha^YZadX`aZkZg#



Figure 18. O"Vm^hXdcigda#


Page 22
Image 22
Grizzly G0519 owner manual Headstock Travel Axis and Rotation, Raising or Lowering the Headstock, OVmh =VcY8gVc`