I]Z WVcYhVl ^h dcZ d[ i]Z bdhi kZghVi^aZ lddY Xjii^c\iddah^ci]Zh]de#>i^hXVeVWaZd[eZg[dgb" ^c\i]Z[daadl^c\ineZhd[Xjih/

Straight Cuts

™ B^iZgh ™ 6c\aZh

™ 8dbedjcY6c\aZh ™ GZhVl^c\

™ G^ee^c\

™ 8gdhhXjii^c\

Irregular Cuts

™ H^beaZVcY8dbeaZm8jgkZh ™ 9jea^XViZEVgih

™ 8^gXaZh

™ 7ZkZaZY8jgkZh

6 egdeZgan VY_jhiZY WVcYhVl XVc WZ hV[Zg id deZgViZi]Vcbdhidi]ZghVlhVcYeZg[dgbhbVcn [jcXi^dchl^i]ZVhZVcYVXXjgVXn#

Basic Cutting Tips

Here are some basic tips to follow when oper- ating the bandsaw:

™ GZeaVXZ!h]VgeZc!VcYXaZVcWaVYZhd[iZc[dg WZhieZg[dgbVcXZ#8]ZX`\j^YZ!iZch^dc!VcY Va^\cbZci hZii^c\h eZg^dY^XVaan VcY VY_jhi l]Zc cZXZhhVgn id `ZZe i]Z hVl gjcc^c\ ^c ideXdcY^i^dc#

™ JhZ a^\]i VcY ZkZc egZhhjgZ l]^aZ Xjii^c\# A^\]i[ZZY^c\egZhhjgZbV`Zh^iZVh^ZgidXji higV^\]iVcYegZkZcihjcYjZ[g^Xi^dcdghigV^c dci]ZWVcYhVlXdbedcZcih#

™ 6kd^Yil^hi^c\i]ZWaVYZl]ZcXjii^c\VgdjcY i^\]iXdgcZgh#6aadli]ZWaVYZidhVlVgdjcY i]ZXdgcZgh#JhZgZa^Z[Xjihl]Zcedhh^WaZ#

™ B^hjh^c\ i]Z hVl dg jh^c\ ^cXdggZXi iZX]" c^fjZhZ#\#il^hi^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ!^cXdggZXi [ZZYgViZ!ZiX#^hjchV[ZVcYgZhjaih^ceddg Xjih#


Disabling & Locking


I]ZDC$D;;hl^iX]XVcWZY^hVWaZYVcYadX`ZY Wn ^chZgi^c\ V eVYadX` i]gdj\] i]Z DC Wjiidc! Vhh]dlc#AdX`^c\i]Zhl^iX]^ci]^hbVccZgXVc egZkZci jcVji]dg^oZY deZgVi^dc d[ i]Z bVX]^cZ! l]^X]^hZheZX^Vaan^bedgiVci^[i]ZbVX]^cZ^hcdi hidgZY^ch^YZVcVXXZhh"gZhig^XiZYWj^aY^c\#

IMPORTANT:AdX`^c\i]Zhl^iX]l^i]VeVYadX` dcan gZhig^Xih ^ih [jcXi^dc# >i ^h cdi V hjWhi^ijiZ [dg Y^hXdccZXi^c\ edlZg [gdb i]Z bVX]^cZ l]Zc VY_jhi^c\dghZgk^X^c\#



Figure 42.Hl^iX]Y^hVWaZYWnVeVYadX`#

Children or untrained people can be seriously injured by this machine. This risk increases with unsupervised operation. To help prevent unsupervised operation, disable and lock the switch before leaving machine unattended! Place key in a well- hidden or secure location.


The padlock shaft diameter is important to the disabling function of the switch. With any padlock used to lock the switch, test the switch after installation to ensure that it is properly disabled.



Page 44
Image 44
Grizzly G0555LANV owner manual Disabling & Locking Switch, Straight Cuts, Irregular Cuts, Basic Cutting Tips