-48- G0640X 17" Wood/Metal Bandsaw
5. Adjust the tracking knob to get both wheels
parallel. If the wheels won’t go parallel to
each other, then move the lower wheel at the
adjustment hub (Figure 64) so they line up.
6. If the wheels will go parallel but not coplanar,
shim the required wheel out as necessary
(not to exceed 34"), using thin 34" washers on
the shaft behind the wheel.
7. Figure 65 shows the positions of the wheels
when coplanar. When your wheels are copla-
nar, re-adjust the guide blocks and rear sup-
port bearings, and replace the wheel covers.
Note: The blade may track slightly off-center
when the wheels are coplanar. This is natural
because the blade will be balanced on the crown
of the tire, rather than just in the center of the tire.
This will be more noticeable with larger blades.

Coplanar Parallel, Not


Not Parallel

Not Coplanar


Tracking Knob

Coplanarity Gauge
Contacts Top
And Bottom of
Both Wheels
Coplanarity Gauge
Figure 65. Coplanarity diagram.
Figure 64. Lower wheel adjustment control.
Top Tilt
Bottom Tilt
Adjustment Hub