Grizzly owner manual 440V Conversion, To rewire the Model G0677 for 440V opera- tion, IZgbcVa

Models: G0677

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440V Conversion

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To rewire the Model G0677 for 440V opera- tion:

1. 9>H8DCC:8I






2. DeZci]ZbV^cl^g^c\WdmadXViZYdci]ZWVX`

d[i]ZbVX]^cZhZZFigure 1!Page 3#

3. Dci]ZigVch[dgbZg!gZbdkZi]Z&l^gZXdc"


i]Z))%KiZgb^cVa!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 5#











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Figure 5. GZl^g^c\igVch[dgbZg[gdb''%Kid









4. HlVe dji i]Z hVcY^c\ bdidg gZaVn AG(9" ((** VcY XdckZndg bdidg gZaVn AG(9"%-+ l^i]i]Z))%Ki]ZgbVagZaVnhVii]ZadXVi^dch h]dlc^cFigure 6!VcYhZii]Zbid&-6VcY &#,6gZheZXi^kZan#

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Figure 6# ))%Ki]ZgbVadkZgadVYgZaVnh#

5. L^gZi]ZbV^cbdidg![ZZYVcYiVWaZZaZkVi^dc bdidgh! Vh h]dlc dc i]Z Y^V\gVbh dc i]Z ^ch^YZ d[ ZVX] bdidg l^gZ XdkZg! dg gZ[Zg id Pages 68 70.

Note: The reference wiring diagrams on Pages 68  70 lZgZ current at the time of printing, but always use the wiring diagram provided inside the motor junction box, as it will reflect any changes to the motor shipped with your machine if changes were made after printing.


Page 14
Image 14
Grizzly 440V Conversion, To rewire the Model G0677 for 440V opera- tion,  9H8DCC8I EA6CG$H6C9G GDB, IZgbcVa