Grizzly G0677 Air Hose, Dust Collection, 6gDC$DGZ\jaVidg AZkZgDeZc @cdW Edhidc 6gcaZi

Models: G0677

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Air Hose

To install the air line:

1. 8dccZXii]ZV^g^caZiFigure 15dci]ZgZ\j" aVidgidVXdbegZhhZYV^ga^cZ#


AZkZgDeZc @cdW Edh^i^dc



2. BV`Z hjgZ i]Z gZY DC$D;; ]VcYaZ dc i]Z gZ\jaVidg^h^ci]ZdeZcedh^i^dc#

3. A^[ii]ZgZ\jaVidg`cdWFigures 15 & 16VcY gdiViZ^ijci^ai]Z\Vj\ZgZVYh,*EH>#

Note: Rotate the knob clockwise to increase the air pressure and counterclockwise to lower the air pressure.





















Figure 16. GZ\jaVidg`cdW#

4. Ejh]i]Z`cdWYdlcjci^a^ihcVehidadX`^i#


Dust Collection

6c Z[[^X^Zci VcY XaZVc Yjhi XdaaZXi^dc hnhiZb ^h ZhhZci^Va id i]Z egdeZg [jcXi^dc d[ i]Z eaVcZg$ hVcYZg# :chjg^c\ V ]ZVai]n ldg` Zck^gdcbZci ^h Vahd YZeZcYZci jedc XaZVc^c\ VcY bV^ciV^c^c\ ndjgYjhiXdaaZXi^dchnhiZb#LZgZXdbbZcYXdc" cZXi^c\ i]^h eaVcZg$hVcYZg id V XnXadcZ Yjhi Xda" aZXidggVi]Zgi]VcVWV\ineZYjhiXdaaZXidg!h^cXZ VXnXadcZl^aa]VcYaZ[^cZYjhieVgi^XaZhWZiiZgVcY ZmeZg^ZcXZ[ZlZgXad\\^c\egdWaZbh#

Recommended CFM @ Machine: 2500 CFM Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with the rating of the dust collector. To determine the CFM at the dust port, you must consider these variables: (1) CFM rating of the dust collector,

(2)hose type and length between the dust col- lector and the machine, (3) number of branches or wyes, and (4) amount of other open lines throughout the system. Explaining how to cal- culate these variables is beyond the scope of this manual. Consult an expert or purchase a good dust collection "how-to" book.

DO NOT operate this machine without an adequate dust collection system and a res- pirator. This machine creates substantial amounts of wood dust while operating. Failure to use a dust collection system can result in short and long-term respiratory ill- ness.

Jh^c\ * ]dhZ XaVbeh! hZXjgZ i]Z ]dhZh [gdb ndjg Yjhi XdaaZXi^dc hnhiZb id i]Z egZ"^chiVaaZY Yjhiedgih#


Figure 17.:mVbeaZd[YjhiXdaaZXi^dc]dhZ



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Grizzly G0677 owner manual Air Hose, Dust Collection, 6gDC$DGZ\jaVidg AZkZgDeZc @cdW Edhidc 6gcaZi, =dhZ8aVbe