Grizzly G0677 Adjusting Depth Cut Safety Bar, Belt Tension, To adjust the depth of cut safety bar

Models: G0677

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Note: Variables such as feed rate, depth of the cut, and the type of sanding belt can play a big part in determining the proper amount of downward pressure exerted by the rollers. Some experimentation may be necessary to achieve the desired results. However, under no circumstances should the pressure rollers be set even with, or higher than, the sanding roller.


12.AdlZg i]Z XjiiZg]ZVY WVX` id %bb dc i]Z ]Z^\]i hXVaZ VcY adX` ^i ^c eaVXZ! i]Zc gZ" ^chiVaai]ZhVcY^c\WZai#

Adjusting Depth of

Cut Safety Bar

L]Zc egdeZgan VY_jhiZY! i]Z YZei] d[ Xji hV[Zin WVg egZkZcih i]Z deZgVidg [gdb ZmXZZY^c\ i]Z bVm^bjbYZei]d[Xji#

I]Z edh^i^dc d[ i]^h hV[Zin WVg Figure 65 lVh [VXidgn hZi Veegdm^bViZan &¿- VWdkZ i]Z adlZhi ed^cid[i]ZXjiiZg]ZVY#LZgZXdbbZcYi]Vii]^h hV[ZinWVggZbV^cVii]^hhZii^c\#



Figure 65.9Zei]d[XjihV[ZinWVg#

To adjust the depth of cut safety bar:

1.EaVcZVcYhVcYV')l^YZWdVgYi]gdj\]i]Z bVX]^cZhd^ibV`ZhV[jaaXji#

2. HZii]ZWdVgYjcYZgi]Z[gdcid[i]ZbVX]^cZ! i]ZcgV^hZi]ZiVWaZ&¿-#

3. AddhZci]ZhXgZlhdci]ZhV[ZinWVgZcdj\] hdi]ZWVgXdciVXihi]Zided[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ! i]Zci^\]iZci]ZhXgZlh#


V-Belt Tension

I]Z XjiiZg]ZVY! ^YaZg! hVcY^c\ Ygjb VcY iVWaZ ZaZkVi^dc K"WZaih bjhi WZ iZch^dcZY egdeZgan [dg WZhieZg[dgbVcXZ#6alVnhgZeaVXZZVX]d[i]ZhZ K"WZaihVhVbViX]ZYhZi#

Note:The belts on the main motor must be ten- sioned correctly. Loose belts will not allow the machine to stop immediately if the emergency push panel is pushed.

The main motor uses a set of four matching belts, the sanding drum pulleys use two matching belts, and the table elevation motor uses one belt.

Tools Needed


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Adjusting Table Elevation Motor V-Belt

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Figure 66#IVWaZZaZkVi^dcbdidgK"WZai#


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Image 52
Grizzly G0677 owner manual Adjusting Depth Cut Safety Bar, Belt Tension, Adjusting Table Elevation Motor V-Belt