Dust Port | Test Run | |
DO NOT operate the Model G0706 with- out an adequate dust collection system. This machine creates substantial amounts of wood dust while operating. Failure to use a dust collection system can result in short and
Recommended CFM at Dust Port:.....615 CFM
Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with the rating of the dust collector. To determine the CFM at the dust port, you must take into account many variables, including the CFM rating of the dust collector, the length of hose between the dust collector and the machine, the amount of branches or wyes, and the amount of other open lines throughout the system. Explaining this calcu- lation is beyond the scope of this manual. If you are unsure of your system, consult an expert or purchase a good dust collection
To connect a dust collection hose:
1. ;^i V * Yjhi ]dhZ dkZg i]Z Yjhi edgi i]Zc hZXjgZ^i^ceaVXZl^i]V]dhZXaVbe#
2. Ij\i]Z]dhZidbV`ZhjgZ^iYdZhcdiXdbZ d[[# Note: A tight fit is necessary for proper performance.
DcXZ i]Z VhhZbWan ^h XdbeaZiZ! iZhi gjc ndjg bVX]^cZ id bV`Z hjgZ ^i gjch egdeZgan# >[! Yjg" ^c\ i]Z iZhi gjc! ndj XVccdi ZVh^an adXViZ i]Z hdjgXZ d[ Vc jcjhjVa cd^hZ dg k^WgVi^dc! hide jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^bbZY^ViZan! i]Zc gZk^Zl i]Z TroubleshootingdcPage 31#
>[ndjhi^aaXVccdigZbZYnVegdWaZb!XdciVXidjg IZX]HjeedgiVi*,%*)+".++([dgVhh^hiVcXZ#
To test run the machine:
1. 8dccZXii]ZbVX]^cZidi]ZedlZghdjgXZ#
2. Il^hii]ZHIDEWjiidchd^iedehdji#
3. BV`ZhjgZndj]VkZgZVYi]ZhV[Zin^chigjX" i^dch Vi i]Z WZ\^cc^c\ d[ i]Z bVcjVa! i]Z bVX]^cZ ^hhZije egdeZgan!VcYVaa iddahVcY dW_ZXih jhZY Yjg^c\ hZije VgZ XaZVgZY VlVn [gdbi]ZbVX]^cZ#
4. Ijgci]ZbVX]^cZONVcYdWhZgkZi]ZdeZgV" i^dcd[i]ZbVX]^cZ#I]ZbVX]^cZh]djaYgjc hbddi]anl^i]a^iiaZdgcdk^WgVi^dcdggjWW^c\ cd^hZh#
>bbZY^ViZanijgci]Z_d^ciZgOFF^[ndjhjh" eZXiVcnegdWaZbh!VcYgZ[ZgidPage 31id igdjWaZh]ddi$[^m WZ[dgZ Xdci^cj^c\ l^i] i]Z cZmihiZe#>[i]ZhdjgXZd[VcjcjhjVacd^hZ dgk^WgVi^dc^hcdigZVY^anVeeVgZci!XdciVXi djgIZX]c^XVaHjeedgi#
5. EgZhhi]ZHIDEWjiidc^c[jaan!i]ZcViiZbei id hiVgi i]Z _d^ciZg l^i]dji gZhZii^c\ i]Z HIDEWjiidcaZVkZi]Z HIDEWjiidc^ci]Z YZegZhhZY edh^i^dc VcY egZhh i]Z HI6GI Wjiidc#
>[ i]Z _d^ciZg 9D:H CDI hiVgi l^i] i]Z HIDE Wjiidc ^c i]Z YZegZhhZY edh^i^dc! i]Zci]ZHIDEWjiidchV[ZinbZX]Vc^hb^h ldg`^c\egdeZganVcYi]Z_d^ciZg^hgZVYn[dg cdgbVadeZgVi^dch#
>[ i]Z _d^ciZg 9D:H hiVgi! i]Zc i]Z HIDE Wjiidc hV[Zin bZX]Vc^hb ^h cdi ldg`^c\ egdeZgan0 XdciVXi djg IZX]c^XVa Hjeedgi WZ[dgZ[jgi]ZgdeZgVi^c\i]Z_d^ciZg#