220V Single-Phase
Serious personal injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before com- pleting the setup process. DO NOT connect the machine to the power until instructed later in this manual.
Electrocution or fire could result if machine is not correctly grounded or connected to the power source. Get help if you do not know what you are doing.
Full Load Amperage Draw
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Power Supply Circuit Requirements
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Power Connection Device
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Figure 1.C:B6+"'%eaj\VcYgZXZeiVXaZ# |
Extension Cords
Jh^c\ZmiZch^dcXdgYhbVngZYjXZi]Za^[Zd[i]Z bdidg# >chiZVY! eaVXZ i]Z bVX]^cZ cZVg V edlZg hdjgXZ#>[ndjbjhijhZVcZmiZch^dcXdgY/
JhZ Vi aZVhi V &' \Vj\Z XdgY i]Vi YdZh cdi ZmXZZY*%[ZZi^caZc\i]
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