Surface Planing
I]ZejgedhZd[hjg[VXZeaVc^c\dci]Z_d^ciZg^hid bV`ZdcZ[VXZd[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ[aVihZZFigures
If you are not experienced with a jointer, set the depth of cut to 0" and practice feeding the workpiece across the tables as described for each of the jointing proce- dures. This process will better prepare you for the actual operation.
Figure 25.:mVbeaZd[hjg[VXZeaVc^c\l^i]i]Z
To surface plane the workpiece on the joint- er:
2. BV`Z hjgZ ndj gZVY VcY [daadl i]Z Safety Instructions WZ\^cc^c\ dc Page 6 VcY i]Z Stock Inspection & Requirement gjaZh WZ\^cc^c\dcPage 21#
3. KZg^[ni]Vii]Zdji[ZZYiVWaZ]Z^\]i^hegdeZgan hZi gZ[Zg id Setting Outfeed Table Height dcPage 33[dgYZiV^aZY^chigjXi^dch#
4. HZi i]Z YZei] d[ Xji [dg ndjg deZgVi^dc VcY i]Z[ZcXZid.%#
Note: We suggest a 1⁄32" depth of cut for sur- face planing, and a more shallow depth for hardwood species or for wide stock.
5. >[ndjgldg`e^ZXZ^hXjeeZYdglVgeZY!eaVXZ ^i hd i]Z XdcXVkZ h^YZ ^h [VXZ Ydlc dc i]Z ^c[ZZYiVWaZ#
6. 8dccZXii]Z_d^ciZgidedlZgVcYijgc^iON#
Failure to use push blocks when surface planing could result in your hands contact- ing the rotating cutterhead, which will cause serious personal injury. ALWAYS use push blocks when surface planing on the jointer!
7. | L^i] V ejh] WadX` ^c ZVX] ]VcY! egZhh |
| i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ V\V^chi i]Z ^c[ZZY iVWaZ VcY |
| i]Z [ZcXZ l^i] [^gb egZhhjgZ! i]Zc [ZZY i]Z |
| ldg`e^ZXZdkZgi]ZXjiiZg]ZVY# |
Note: When your leading hand comes within | |
| 4" of the cutterhead, lift that push block up |
| and place it on the workpiece portion that is |
| on the outfeed table. Now, focus the down- |
| ward pressure with the leading hand while |
| feeding, then repeat the same action with |
| your trailing hand when it comes within 4" of |
| the cutterhead. Keep your hands safe! DO |
Figure 26.>aajhigVi^dcd[hjg[VXZeaVc^c\gZhjaih# | NOT allow them to get any closer than 4" |
from the cutterhead. | |
8. | GZeZViStep 7jci^ai]ZZci^gZldg`e^ZXZhjg" |
| [VXZ^h[aVi# |
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