NEVER shift lathe gears when lathe is operating, and make sure both the half- nut lever and the feed selection lever are disengaged before you start the lathe! Otherwise the carriage may feed into the chuck or tailstock and cause severe damage.
5. 9^hZc\V\Z i]Z ]Va["cji aZkZg VcY i]Z [ZZY hZaZXi^dc aZkZg hZZ Figure 11! VcY bV`Z hjgZi]ZhVYYaZadX`^haddhZcZYidVaadli]Z aZVY hXgZldg [ZZY gdY idbdkZi]Z Vegdc ^[ gZfj^gZY#
HVYYaZAdX` | =Va["CjiAZkZg |
| ^hEjaaZYJe |
| 9^hZc\V\ZY |
;ZZY |
HZaZXi^dc |
AZkZg^h |
=dg^odciVa |
9^hZc\V\ZY |
He^cYaZDC$D;;AZkZg^h8ZciZgZY | |
Figure 11.6egdcXdcigdah# |
6. BV`Z hjgZ i]Z Xjii^c\ [aj^Y ejbe hl^iX] ^h OFF! ed^ci i]Z Xjii^c\ [aj^Y cdooaZ ^cid i]Z aVi]ZX]^eeVc#
Before starting the lathe, make sure you have performed any preceding assembly and adjustment instructions, and you have read through the rest of the manual and are familiar with the various functions and safety features on this machine. Failure to follow this warning could result in serious personal injury or even death!
7. GdiViZi]ZhideWjiidcFigure 12 XadX`l^hZ jci^a^iedehdji#
8. BdkZi]Z[ZZYY^gZXi^dcaZkZghZZFigure 12) idi]ZY^hZc\V\ZYb^YYaZedh^i^dc#
9^gZXi^dc AZkZg
Hide 7jiidc
EdlZg 7jiidc
HeZZY 9^Vah
Figure 12. =ZVYhidX`Xdcigdah#
9. BdkZi]Zhe^cYaZheZZYgVc\ZaZkZgidi]ZA edh^i^dcVcYbdkZi]Zhe^cYaZheZZYaZkZgid i]Z,%edh^i^dc#
Note: As long as the feed direction lever shown in Figure 12 is disengaged, no torque will be transmitted to the quick change gear- box or any other