Damage to your eyes, lungs, and ears could result from using this machine without proper protective gear. Always wear safety glasses, a respirator, and hearing protection when operating this machine.
Loose hair and cloth-
ing could get caught in
machinery and cause seri-
ous personal injury. Keep
loose clothing and long
hair away from moving machinery.
If you have never used this type of machine or equipment before, WE STRONGLY REC- OMMEND that you read books, trade maga- zines, or get formal training before begin- ning any projects. Regardless of the con- tent in this section, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of training.
Operation Overview
I]^h dkZgk^Zl ^h i]Z WVh^X egdXZhh i]Vi dXXjgh l]ZcdeZgVi^c\i]^hbVX]^cZ#;Vb^a^Vg^oZndjghZa[ l^i]i]ZhZhiZehidWZiiZgjcYZghiVcYi]ZgZbV^c" ^c\eVgihd[i]ZOperationhZXi^dc#
To complete a typical operation, the operator does the following:
1. Ejih dc hV[Zin \aVhhZh! gdaah je haZZkZh! gZbdkZh _ZlZagn! VcY hZXjgZh Vcn Xadi]^c\! _ZlZagn! dg ]V^g i]Vi XdjaY \Zi ZciVc\aZY ^c bdk^c\eVgih#
2. :mVb^cZh i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ id bV`Z hjgZ ^i ^h hj^iVWaZ [dg ijgc^c\! i]Zc bdjcih i]Z ldg`e^ZXZgZfj^gZY[dgi]ZdeZgVi^dc#
3. Bdjcihi]Zidda^c\!Va^\ch^il^i]i]Zldg`e^ZXZ! i]ZcVY_jhih^i[dgVhV[ZhiVgijeXaZVgVcXZ#
4. 8aZVghVaaiddah[gdbi]ZaVi]Z#
5. HZihi]ZXdggZXihe^cYaZheZZY[dgi]ZdeZgV" i^dc#
6. 8]ZX`h [dg hV[Z XaZVgVcXZh Wn gdiVi^c\ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZWn]VcYdcZ[jaagZkdaji^dc#
7. BdkZhha^YZhidl]ZgZi]Znl^aaWZjhZYYjg" ^c\deZgVi^dc#>[jh^c\edlZg[ZZY!hZaZXihi]Z egdeZg[ZZYgViZ[dgi]ZdeZgVi^dc#
8. Ijgchi]ZbV^cedlZghl^iX]ON!gZhZihi]Z hide Wjiidc hd ^i edeh dji! i]Zc bdkZh i]Z he^cYaZ DC$D;; aZkZg Ydlc id hiVgi he^cYaZ gdiVi^dc# I]Z he^cYaZ l^aa gdiViZ [dglVgY i]Z ide d[ i]Z X]jX` gdiViZh idlVgY i]Z deZgV" idg#
9. JhZhi]ZXVgg^V\Z]VcYl]ZZahdgedlZg[ZZY dei^dchidbdkZi]Zidda^c\^cidi]Zldg`e^ZXZ [dgdeZgVi^dch#
10# When finished cutting, moves the ON/OFF lever idi]ZXZciZgedh^i^dcidijgci]ZaVi]Z OFF!i]ZcgZbdkZhi]Zldg`e^ZXZ#