NSK precision tapered roller spindle bearings Flame hardened headstock gears Induction-hardened and precision ground cast iron bed Coolant system
Adjustable halogen work light
Foot brake with motor shut-off switch Full-length splash guard
Pull-out chip tray
200-Series quick-change tool post
Outboard spindle spider mount with 4 brass-tipped screws Cast iron cabinet stands
Fully-enclosed quick-change gearbox
Tailstock offset V-slide with wrench locking socket D1-5 Camlock Spindle
6" 3-Jaw chuck with reversible jaws 8" 4-Jaw chuck with independent jaws 11" Faceplate
MT#3 live center
Standard MT#3 dead center Carbide-tipped MT#3 dead center MT#5-MT#3 sleeve
1/2" Drill chuck with MT#3 arbor Tailstock wrench
Service tools Toolbox
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