Spindle Turning Tips:
L]Zcijgc^c\i]ZaVi]ZON!hiVcYVlVn[gdb i]Z eVi] d[ i]Z he^cc^c\ ldg`e^ZXZ jci^a i]Z he^cYaZgZVX]Zh[jaaheZZYVcYndjXVckZg^[n i]Vii]Zldg`e^ZXZl^aacdiXdbZaddhZ#
JhZi]ZhadlZhiheZZYl]ZchiVgi^c\dghide" e^c\i]ZaVi]Z#
HZaZXii]Zg^\]iheZZY[dgi]Zh^oZd[ldg`e^ZXZ i]Vi ndj VgZ ijgc^c\ gZ[Zg id Figure 28 dc Page 25#
@ZZe i]Z ijgc^c\ idda dc i]Z idda gZhi i]Z :CI>G: i^bZ i]Vi ^i ^h ^c XdciVXi l^i] i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ#
AZVgc i]Z XdggZXi iZX]c^fjZh [dg ZVX] idda ndjl^aajhZ#>[ndjVgZjchjgZVWdji]dlid jhZi]ZaVi]Ziddah!gZVYWdd`hdgbV\Vo^cZh VWdji aVi]Z iZX]c^fjZh! VcY hZZ` igV^c^c\ [gdb ZmeZg^ZcXZY VcY `cdlaZY\ZVWaZ aVi]Z jhZgh#
Damage to your eyes and lungs could result from using this machine without proper pro- tective gear. Always wear a face shield and respirator when operating this machine.
Faceplate Turning
;VXZeaViZijgc^c\^hl]ZcVldg`e^ZXZ^hbdjciZY id i]Z [VXZeaViZ! l]^X] ^h i]Zc bdjciZY id i]Z ]ZVYhidX` he^cYaZ! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 39# I]^h ineZ d[ ijgc^c\ ^h jhjVaan YdcZ l^i] deZc"[VXZY ldg`e^ZXZha^`ZWdlahdgeaViZh#
Figure 39.Ine^XVa[VXZeaViZijgc^c\deZgVi^dc#
Mounting the Workpiece onto the Faceplate
1. BVg`i]Zldg`e^ZXZXZciZg^ci]ZhVbZbVc"
cZg Vh YZhXg^WZY ^c Spindle Turning hZZ
Page 27#
Note: Cut off corners of the workpiece to make it as close to "round" as possible as described in Spindle Turning (see Page 27).
2. 8ZciZg i]Z [VXZeaViZ dc i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ VcY ViiVX] ^i! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 40! l^i] lddY hXgZlhi]ViYdcdi]VkZiVeZgZY]ZVYhhZZ Figure 41#