Stock Inspection &
HdbZ ldg`e^ZXZh VgZ cdi hV[Z id ijgc dg bVn gZfj^gZ bdY^[^XVi^dc WZ[dgZ i]Zn VgZ hV[Z id ijgc# Before turning a workpiece, inspect all workpieces for the following:
Workpiece Type:
I]^h bVX]^cZ ^h ^ciZcYZY [dg ijgc^c\ cVijgVa lddY egdYjXih# CZkZg ViiZbei id ijgc Vcn Xdbedh^iZ lddY bViZg^Vah! eaVhi^Xh! bZiVa! hidcZ! dg gjWWZg ldg`e^ZXZh0 ijgc^c\ i]ZhZ bViZg^Vah XVc aZVY id bVX]^cZ YVbV\Z dg hZkZgZ^c_jgn#
Foreign Objects:
CV^ah! hiVeaZh! Y^gi! gdX`h VcY di]Zg [dgZ^\c dW_ZXih VgZ d[iZc ZbWZYYZY ^c lddY# L]^aZ Xjii^c\!i]ZhZdW_ZXihXVcWZXdbZY^hadY\ZY VcY]^ii]ZdeZgVidg!XVjhZidda\gVW!dgWgZV` i]Z ijgc^c\ idda! l]^X] b^\]i i]Zc [an VeVgi# 6alVnh k^hjVaan ^cheZXi ndjg ldg`e^ZXZ [dg i]ZhZ ^iZbh# >[ i]Zn XVci WZ gZbdkZY! 9D CDIijgci]Zldg`e^ZXZ#
ssLarge/Loose Knots:
AddhZ `cdih XVc WZXdbZ Y^hadY\ZY Yjg^c\ i]Zijgc^c\deZgVi^dc#AVg\Z`cdihXVcXVjhZ V ldg`e^ZXZ id XdbeaZiZan WgZV` ^c ]Va[ Yjg^c\ ijgc^c\ VcY XVjhZ bVX]^cZ YVbV\Z VcY ^c_jgn# 8]ddhZ ldg`e^ZXZh i]Vi Yd cdi ]VkZaVg\Z$addhZ`cdih#
Excessive Warping:
Ldg`e^ZXZh l^i] ZmXZhh^kZ Wdl^c\ dg il^hi" ^c\VgZjchiVWaZVcYjcWVaVcXZY#CZkZgijgc i]ZhZldg`e^ZXZhVi]^\]heZZY!dg^chiVW^a^in l^aa WZ bV\c^[^ZY VcY i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ XVc WZ Z_ZXiZY [gdb i]Z aVi]Z XVjh^c\ ^c_jgn# Dcan ijgcXdcXZcig^Xldg`e^ZXZh
Adjusting Headstock
I]Z BdYZa <%,(( ]ZVYhidX` ^h Zfj^eeZY l^i] V XVb"VXi^dc XaVbe^c\ hnhiZb id hZXjgZ ^i id i]Z aVi]ZWZY#L]Zci]ZaZkZg^hi^\]iZcZY!VadX`^c\ eaViZ a^[ih je jcYZgcZVi] i]Z WZY VcY hZXjgZh i]Z iV^ahidX` ^c eaVXZ# I]Z ]ZVYhidX` XVc WZ edh^i^dcZYVcnl]ZgZVadc\i]ZaVi]ZWZY#
To position the headstock along the length of the lathe bed:
2. AddhZc i]Z ]ZVYhidX` adX` aZkZg hZZ Figure 18#
=ZVYhidX`AdX` AZkZg
Figure 18.=ZVYhidX`adX`aZkZgadXVi^dc#
3. Ha^YZi]Z]ZVYhidX`idi]ZYZh^gZYadXVi^dcdc i]ZWZY!VcYjhZi]Z]ZVYhidX`adX`]VcYaZ idhZXjgZi]Z]ZVYhidX`^cedh^i^dc#
Note: The large clamping hex nut underneath the headstock will require occasional adjust- ing to ensure proper clamping pressure of the headstock to the bed. Turn this hex nut in small increments to fine tune the clamping pressure as needed.
Always operate the lathe with the headstock firmly locked to the bed. Otherwise, serious personal injury may occur as the workpiece or faceplate could shift during operation or be ejected from the lathe.