DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY.6alVnhY^h" XdccZXi bVX]^cZ [gdb edlZg hjeean WZ[dgZ hZg" k^X^c\! VY_jhi^c\! dg X]Vc\^c\ Xjii^c\ iddah W^ih! WaVYZh! XjiiZgh! ZiX## BV`Z hjgZ hl^iX] ^h ^c D;; edh^i^dcWZ[dgZgZXdccZXi^c\idVkd^YVcjcZmeZXi" ZYdgjc^ciZci^dcVahiVgi#

APPROVED OPERATION. JcigV^cZY deZgVidgh XVc WZ hZg^djhan ]jgi Wn bVX]^cZgn# Dcan Vaadl igV^cZY dg egdeZgan hjeZgk^hZY eZdeaZ id jhZ bVX]^cZ# L]Zc bVX]^cZ ^h cdi WZ^c\ jhZY! Y^h" XdccZXi edlZg! gZbdkZ hl^iX] `Znh! dg adX`"dji bVX]^cZidegZkZcijcVji]dg^oZYjhZ ZheZX^Vaan VgdjcYX]^aYgZc#BV`Zldg`h]de`^Yegdd[

DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS. 9d cdi jhZ bVX]^cZgn ^c lZi dg gV^cn adXVi^dch! XajiiZgZY VgZVh!VgdjcY[aVbbVWaZh!dg^cYVg`VgZVh#@ZZe ldg`VgZVXaZVc!Ygn!VcYlZaa"a^\]iZY#

ONLY USE AS INTENDED. Dcan jhZ bVX]^cZ [dg ^ih ^ciZcYZY ejgedhZ# CZkZg bdY^[n bVX]^cZ [dgVejgedhZcdi^ciZcYZYWni]ZbVcj[VXijgZg

USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES.8dchjai i]^hdlcZg»hbVcjVadgi]ZbVcj[VXijgZg[dggZX" dbbZcYZY VXXZhhdg^Zh# Jh^c\ ^begdeZg VXXZh" hdg^Zhl^aa^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[hZg^djh^c_jgn#





REMOVE ADJUSTING TOOLS. CZkZg aZVkZ VY_jhibZciiddah!X]jX``Znh!lgZcX]Zh!ZiX#^cdg dcbVX]^cZ ZheZX^VaancZVgbdk^c\eVgih#KZg^[n gZbdkVaWZ[dgZhiVgi^c\

SECURING WORKPIECE. L]Zc gZfj^gZY! jhZ XaVbeh dg k^hZh id hZXjgZ ldg`e^ZXZ# 6 hZXjgZY ldg`e^ZXZegdiZXih]VcYhVcY[gZZhWdi]d[i]Zb iddeZgViZi]ZbVX]^cZ#

FEED DIRECTION.JcaZhhdi]Zgl^hZcdiZY![ZZY ldg` V\V^chi i]Z gdiVi^dc d[ WaVYZh dg XjiiZgh# ;ZZY^c\^ci]ZhVbZY^gZXi^dcd[gdiVi^dcbVnejaa ndjg]VcY^cidi]ZXji#

FORCING MACHINERY.9dcdi[dgXZbVX]^cZ# >i l^aa Yd i]Z _dW hV[Zg VcY WZiiZg Vi i]Z gViZ [dg l]^X]^ilVhYZh^\cZY#

GUARDS & COVERS. <jVgYh VcY XdkZgh XVc egdiZXi ndj [gdb VXX^YZciVa XdciVXi l^i] bdk^c\ eVgih dg [an^c\ YZWg^h# BV`Z hjgZ i]Zn VgZ egde" Zgan^chiVaaZY!jcYVbV\ZY!VcYldg`^c\XdggZXian WZ[dgZjh^c\bVX]^cZ#

NEVER STAND ON MACHINE.HZg^djh^c_jgndg VXX^YZciVa XdciVXi l^i] Xjii^c\ idda bVn dXXjg ^[ bVX]^cZ^hi^eeZY#BVX]^cZbVnWZYVbV\ZY#

STABLE MACHINE. JcZmeZXiZYbdkZbZciYjg" ^c\ deZgVi^dch \gZVian ^cXgZVhZh g^h` d[ ^c_jgn dg adhh d[ Xdcigda# 7Z[dgZ hiVgi^c\! kZg^[n bVX]^cZh VgZhiVWaZVcYbdW^aZWVhZ^[jhZY^hadX`ZY#

AWKWARD POSITIONS. @ZZe egdeZg [ddi^c\ VcYWVaVcXZViVaai^bZhl]ZcdeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZ# 9dcdidkZggZVX]6kd^YVl`lVgY]VcYedh^i^dch i]Vi bV`Z ldg`e^ZXZ Xdcigda Y^[[^Xjai dg ^cXgZVhZ i]Zg^h`d[VXX^YZciVa^c_jgn#

UNATTENDED OPERATION. CZkZg aZVkZ bVX]^cZgjcc^c\l]^aZjcViiZcYZY#IjgcbVX]^cZ OFFVcYZchjgZVaabdk^c\eVgihXdbeaZiZanhide WZ[dgZlVa`^c\VlVn#

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CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. GZ\jaVgan ^cheZXi bVX]^cZ [dg YVbV\ZY eVgih! addhZ Wdaih! b^h" VY_jhiZY dg b^h"Va^\cZY eVgih! W^cY^c\! dg Vcn di]Zg XdcY^i^dch i]Vi bVn V[[ZXi hV[Z deZgVi^dc# 6alVnhgZeV^gdggZeaVXZYVbV\ZYdgb^h"VY_jhi" ZYeVgihWZ[dgZdeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZ#

MAINTAIN POWER CORDS. L]Zc Y^hXdccZXi" ^c\ XdgY"XdccZXiZY bVX]^cZh [gdb edlZg! \gVW VcYejaai]Zeaj\ CDIi]ZXdgY#Ejaa^c\i]ZXdgY bVn YVbV\Z i]Z l^gZh ^ch^YZ# 9d cdi ]VcYaZ XdgY$eaj\l^i]lZi]VcYh#6kd^YXdgYYVbV\ZWn `ZZe^c\^iVlVn[gdb]ZViZYhjg[VXZh!]^\]igV[[^X VgZVh!]Vgh]X]Zb^XVah!VcYlZi$YVbeadXVi^dch#

EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. >[ Vi Vcn i^bZ ndj VgZ ZmeZg^ZcX^c\ Y^[[^Xjai^Zh eZg[dgb^c\ i]Z ^ciZcYZY deZgVi^dc! hide jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ 8dciVXi djg IZX]c^XVa Hjeedgi 9ZeVgibZci Vi *,%*)+".++(#



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Grizzly G0734 owner manual Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZc, ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc#

G0734 specifications

The Grizzly G0734 is an advanced metal lathe that brings precision and reliability to machining tasks. Designed for both hobbyists and professionals, this machine excels in turning, which is a vital process in various manufacturing and repair applications. With its robust construction and user-friendly features, the G0734 stands out in the market, making it a preferred choice for those looking to enhance their workshop capabilities.

One of the most notable features of the Grizzly G0734 is its rugged cast iron construction. This material provides stability and reduces vibration during operation, ensuring that users can achieve accurate and consistent results. The lathe is equipped with a powerful 1 HP motor, providing ample torque to handle a wide range of materials, from softer metals to harder alloys.

The G0734 includes a variable-speed drive system, allowing operators to easily adjust the spindle speed to match their specific machining requirements. This feature is particularly useful for working with various materials and achieving desired surface finishes. The speed can be set within a range of 0 to 1100 RPM, making it versatile for different applications.

Another standout characteristic of the Grizzly G0734 is its ease of use. The lathe is designed with a straightforward control interface that simplifies operation, making it suitable for both seasoned machinists and beginners. Additionally, the machine comes with a 3-jaw chuck, ensuring reliable gripping of workpieces for turning operations.

Safety is also a primary focus in the G0734's design. It is equipped with features such as an emergency stop button and a protective cover over moving parts, which enhance the overall safety during machining tasks. Users can operate the lathe with confidence, knowing that safety measures are in place.

Moreover, the Grizzly G0734 supports a range of optional accessories and attachments, allowing users to expand its functionality. Whether it’s adding a dro (digital readout) for enhanced precision or specialized tools for unique turning tasks, the versatility of the G0734 makes it a valuable addition to any workshop.

In conclusion, the Grizzly G0734 represents a blend of power, precision, and accessibility, making it an excellent choice for those engaged in metalworking. Its solid construction, variable-speed options, user-friendly controls, and safety features provide a reliable machining experience, catering to a diverse array of projects and skill levels. Whether for personal projects or professional use, the G0734 stands as a testament to Grizzly’s commitment to quality and performance in the machining industry.