The bandsaw is one of the most versatile wood cutting tools in the shop. It is capable of perform- ing many different cutting functions including, but not limited to:
3.Compound Angles
1.Simple and Complex Curves
2.Duplicate Parts
4.Beveled Curves
Although you can perform many types of straight cuts such as angling and mitering on the band- saw, they will not be as precise as on a table saw. Also, since the blade is flexible, the resulting cut is somewhat rougher than one performed on a table saw. However, just as a table saw is suited to precision straight cuts and miters, the bandsaw excels when resawing and when cutting irregular shapes. A properly adjusted and tuned up band- saw is also safer to operate than most other saws and is capable of performing many sawing func- tions with ease and accuracy.
A common fault when using a bandsaw is blam- ing the saw for not performing up to expectations. Many factors contribute to a bandsaw’s perfor- mance. Using the wrong kind of blade or a poor quality blade usually results in unsatisfactory per- formance. Misuse of the saw or using incorrect sawing techniques can be unsafe as well as result in frustration and poor cuts. Remember, the blade does the cutting with the operator’s guid- ance. Replace blades as necessary and make adjustments periodically to keep the saw always running in top condition.
Set the top guide assembly just above the top of the work at all times.
Do not force the material against the blade, use light even pressure. Light contact with the blade will permit easier line following and prevent undue friction, heat and
Avoid twisting the blade by trying to turn sharp corners. Remember, you must saw around cor- ners.
Test Run
Once you have completed the instructions for assembly and adjustments, you are ready to give the Model G1052 its first test run.
2.Keeping one finger on the OFF switch to be ready for a quick shut off in the case of prob- lems, turn on the bandsaw.
3.If there is no visual or audible evidence of problems, use a piece of scrap wood to test the blade.
4.If the blade does not cut properly, review the steps in the adjustment section. If the blade appears to be working well, turn off the machine and continue reading the manual.
G1052 9" Bandsaw |