The Model G1182 series is shipped from the manufacturer in a carefully packed carton. If you discover the machine is damaged after you’ve signed for delivery, immediately call Customer Service for advice.
When you are completely satisfied with the con- dition of your shipment, you should inventory its parts.
If moving this machine up or down stairs, the machine must be disman- tled and moved in smaller pieces. Make sure floor and stair structures are capable of supporting the combined weight of the machine parts and the people moving them.
The G1182 series is a heavy machine, 235 lbs. shipping weight. DO NOT
A full parts list and breakdown can be found toward the end of this manual. For easier assembly, or to identify specific parts, please refer to the detailed illustrations at the end of the manual.
Piece Inventory
Model G1182HW (Figure2A)
• Jointer Assembly
• Fence Assembly
• Stand Assembly
• Hardware
3 | |
3 | |
1 | |
1 | |
1 | |
2 | |
1 | |
1 | |
1 | |
1 | |
Figure 2A. G1182HW layout.
Model G1182HW (Figure 2B)
Same as above except the stand assembly is replaced by a one piece cabinet stand.