6c VaiZgcViZ bZi]dY ^h id aVn i]Z ]ZVYhidX` VcYXdajbcdci]Z[addg!ha^YZi]Zbid\Zi]Zg! i^ai i]Z VhhZbWan je! VcY edh^i^dc i]Z Yg^aa egZhhdc^ihWVhZ^ci]Zje\g^\]iedh^i^dc#

3. HXgZl ild XaVbe Wdaih ^cid ZVX] h^YZ d[ i]Z ]dg^odciVaXdajbcWgVX`ZiFigure 12).


Figure 12#8aVbeWdaih#

Downfeed Handles

Components and Hardware Needed: Qty


I]ZYdlc[ZZY]VcYaZhbjhiWZ^chiVaaZYidegde" ZgandeZgViZi]ZYg^aaegZhh#

To install the downfeed handles:

1. I^\]ian i]gZVY i]Z ]VcYaZh ^cid i]Z XdaaVg Vh h]dlc^cFigure 13#


Figure 13. >chiVaa^c\Ydlc[ZZY]VcYaZh#


Drill Chuck and


I]ZYg^aaX]jX`^hViiVX]ZYidi]ZYg^aahe^cYaZWn bZVch d[ V bVX]^cZY iVeZg WZilZZc i]Z X]jX` VcYhe^cYaZcdhZ#6cVabdhieZgbVcZciVhhZb" Wan^hXgZViZYl]ZcegdeZgan_d^cZY#

To assemble the drill chuck and mount it to the spindle, carefully follow the instructions below:

1. JhZ b^cZgVa he^g^ih id i]dgdj\]an XaZVc i]Z Yg^aa X]jX`! VgWdg! VcY he^cYaZ hdX`Zih VcY Ygn Vaa hjg[VXZh WZ[dgZ VhhZbWan# Failure to clean the mating surfaces may cause the tapered fit to loosen during operation, resulting in separation and an unsafe condition#

2. JhZ i]Z X]jX` `Zn egdk^YZY id VY_jhi i]Z _Vlh d[ i]Z X]jX` jci^a i]Zn VgZ lZaa ^ch^YZ i]ZYg^aaX]jX`WdYn#

3. Ha^YZi]ZX]jX`dcidi]Zhe^cYaZZcYVcYiVe i]ZYg^aaX]jX`l^i]VgjWWZgdglddYZcbVaaZi idhZVi^iVhh]dlc^cFigure 14#

DO NOT use a steel hammer on the drill chuck to seat it onto the spindle. Damage will occur to the chuck and/or spindle which may make them unusable or unsafe.

Figure 14#HZVi^c\X]jX`^cidhe^cYaZ#CdiZ



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Grizzly G7945/46 owner manual Downfeed Handles, Drill Chuck Arbor, 8aVbe7daih, To install the downfeed handles