-18- Model g8688 (Mfg. 3/0 9+)
figure 12. rear controls.
5. HIGH/LOw range control: Shifts the spin-
dle speed range from high range, 0-2500
rpM to loW range, 0-1100 rpM.
Note: DO NOT shift from HIGH to LOW while
the lathe is running!
6. LEADscrEw fOrwArD/NEuTrAL/
rEvErsE Lever: Changes leadscrew
rotating direction for power feed or threading
Note: DO NOT shift leadscrew direction while
the lathe is running!
chuck Jawsthe 3-jaw chuck supplied with the lathe comes
with 2 sets of jaws which are depicted in figure
13. these are commonly known as the internal
and external jaws. the internal jaw can hold a
workpiece on the inside or outside surface of the
jaw (exterior or interior of the part). the exter-
nal jaw holds the part from the inside surface of
the jaw (exterior of the part). Common uses are
shown in figure 14.
figure 13. internal & external jaws.
internal Jaw
External Jaw
External Jaw
internal Jaw
with internal
internal Jaw with
External grip
figure 14. Workholding options.