-36- Model g8688 (Mfg. 3/09+)
6. Measure the workpiece with a micrometer.
if the stock is fat at the tailstock end, the
tailstock needs to be moved toward the
operator half the amount of the taper (figure
41). if the stock is thinner at the tailstock end,
the tailstock needs to be moved away from
the operator by at least half the amount of the
taper (figure 42).
figure 41. adjusting for headstock end taper.
adjust the tailstock
half the distance of
the taper.
7. adjust the tailstock offset by half the amount
of the taper. turn another 0.010'' off of the
stock and check for a taper. repeat as nec-
essary until the desired amount of accuracy
is achieved.
DO NOT forget to lock down the tailstock
after each adjustment. failure to follow this
notice may cause damage to the tailstock,
workpiece or both.
figure 42. adjusting for tailstock end taper.
adjust the tailstock
half the distance of
the taper.