-30- Model g8688 (Mfg. 3/09+)
• Daily: Clean all machined surfaces, including
chuck, and apply a thin film of iSo 68 gear oil
or 10-30W synthetic motor oil.
• Daily: put a few drops of iSo 68 gear oil or
10-30W synthetic motor oil on the bearing on
each end of the leadscrew. you will need to
remove the gear cover to access the left hand
• Daily: Clean and add a couple extra drops
of iSo 68 gear oil, 10-30W synthetic motor
oil, or way oil to the sliding surfaces of the
bedway, cross slide and compound slide.
• Every six Months: apply a thin film of white
lithium grease to the cross slide and com-
pound slide leadscrews.
• Every six Months (or As Necessary):
apply a thin film of white lithium grease to
headstock and carriage drive gears.
• yearly: apply a thin film of white lithium
grease tailstock quill and screw.
• yearly: use a spray lithium grease to lubri-
cate the transmission gears. to do this,
disconnect power, remove the front control
panel, remove ground wire screw in head-
stock, spray grease in hole while rotating
chuck by hand and shifting gears between
high and low.
Cleaning the Model g8688 is relatively easy.
remove all chips at the end of the day. Wipe up
any coolant used that settled in the bottom of the
chip tray or has settled on any other part of the
lathe. dr y off entire machine with a clean, dr y
towel. do not use compressed air to clean your
sEcTION 6: MAINTENANcEAlways disconnect power
to th e machin e befo re
performing maintenance.
failure to do this may
result in serious person-
al in jury.
For optimum performance from your machine,
follow this maintenance schedule and refer to any
specific instructions given in this section. your use
and certain shop environments may require you to
perform these tasks more often.
• loose mounting bolts.
• damaged parts.
• poorly adjusted parts.
• Worn or damaged wires.
• any other unsafe condition.
• dirty machine.
• Clean tooling and storage.
• gear damage, wear, rust, sludge, or chip
build-up inside gearbox and off motor. Clean
and lube as necessary.