G9717 6" Grinder


111100VV OOppeerraattiioonn

The motor supplied with the G9717 must be oper-
ated at 110V. Use an outlet configuration as
shown in FFiigguurree 11.. Under normal use, the motor
draws approximately 2-3 amps @ 110V. We rec-
ommend a 15 amp circuit breaker for 110V oper-
ation. This should be satisfactory for normal use,
while providing enough protection against motor
damage caused by power surges.
FFiigguurree 11.. Typical 110V plug and outlet.
Should it be necessary to use an extension when
operating at 110V, make sure the cord is rated
Hard Service (grade S) or better. Refer to the
chart in Section 1: Safety Instructions to deter-
mine the minimum gauge for the extension cord.
The extension cord must also contain a ground
wire and plug pin. Always repair or replace exten-
sion cords when they become worn or damaged.

EExxtteennssiioonn CCoorrddss

TThhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt mmuusstt bbee ggrroouunnddeedd.. Please
ensure that this machine is continuously
grounded from the motor to the machine frame
and then to a known ground. Verify that any
existing electrical outlet and circuit you intend
to plug into is actually grounded. If it is not, it
will be necessary to run a separate 12 A.W.G.
copper grounding wire from the outlet to a
known ground. Under no circumstances should
the grounding pin from any three-pronged plug
be removed. SSeerriioouuss ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy mmaayy


In the event of an electrical short, grounding
reduces the risk of electric shock by providing a
path of least resistance to disperse electric cur-
rent. This tool is equipped with a power cord hav-
ing an equipment-grounding conductor. SSeeee
FFiigguurree 11..The outlet must be properly installed
and grounded in accordance with all local codes
and ordinances.
WWee hhaavvee ccoovveerreedd ssoommee bbaassiicc eelleeccttrriiccaall
rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss ffoorr tthhee ssaaffee ooppeerraattiioonn ooff yyoouurr
SSuurrffaaccee GGrriinnddeerr.. TThheessee rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss aarree nnoott
nneecceessssaarriillyy ccoommpprreehheennssiivvee.. YYoouu mmuusstt bbee ssuurree
tthhaatt yyoouurr ppaarrttiiccuullaarr eelleeccttrriiccaall ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
ccoommpplliieess wwiitthh llooccaall aanndd ssttaattee ccooddeess.. EEnnssuurree
ccoommpplliiaannccee bbyy cchheecckkiinngg wwiitthh yyoouurr llooccaall mmuunniicc--
iippaalliittyy oorr aa lliicceennsseedd eelleeccttrriicciiaann..