G9717 6" Grinder
OOppeerraattiioonn ooff tthhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt hhaass tthhee ppootteennttiiaall
ttoo pprrooppeell ddeebbrriiss iinnttoo tthhee aaiirr wwhhiicchh ccaann ccaauussee
eeyyee iinnjjuurryy.. AAllwwaayyss wweeaarr ssaaffeettyy ggllaasssseess oorr ggoogg--
gglleess wwhheenn ooppeerraattiinngg eeqquuiippmmeenntt.. EEvveerryyddaayy
ggllaasssseess oorr rreeaaddiinngg ggllaasssseess oonnllyy hhaavvee iimmppaacctt
rreessiissttaanntt lleennsseess,, tthheeyy aarree nnoott ssaaffeettyy ggllaasssseess..
BBee cceerrttaaiinn tthhee ssaaffeettyy ggllaasssseess yyoouu wweeaarr mmeeeett
tthhee aapppprroopprriiaattee ssttaannddaarrddss ooff tthhee AAmmeerriiccaann
NNaattiioonnaall SSttaannddaarrddss IInnssttiittuuttee ((AANNSSII))..
DDOONNOOTT mmaakkee aaddjjuussttmmeennttss wwhhiillee tthhee ggrriinnddeerr iiss
rruunnnniinngg.. EEnnssuurree tthhaatt tthhee sswwiittcchh iiss ooffff,, ppoowweerr iiss
ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd aanndd mmoovviinngg ppaarrttss hhaavvee ssttooppppeedd
bbeeffoorree mmaakkiinngg aaddjjuussttmmeennttss.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo ccoommppllyy
ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinn sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy oorr eelleeccttrriiccaall sshhoocckk


SSttaarrttiinngg aanndd SSttooppppiinngg

Once assembly has been completed, the G9717
Grinder is ready for use in the shop.
The switch is located on the front of the grinder.
To turn the grinder “ON”, push the right hand side
of the rocker switch, to turn it “OFF”, push the left
hand side of the switch. Always make sure the
wheels come up to full speed before introducing
the workpiece to the wheel.
When mounting a new wheel, or when there is
any concern about wheel integrity, stand away
from the line of rotation of the wheel and then turn
the wheel “ON”. If there is a potential problem it
will generally occur when the wheel is first start-
Aluminum oxide and silicon carbide wheels are
marked in a somewhat uniform manner by all the
major manufacturers. Understanding these mark-
ings will help you understand the capabilities of
various wheels. Always refer to the manufactur-
er’s grinding recommendations when selecting a
wheel for your project.
The basic format for wheel numbering is:
PPrreeffiixx AAbbrraassiivvee GGrriitt GGrraaddee BBoonndd
TTyyppee SSiizzeeTTyyppee
3366AA6600 LL VV
The most common abrasive types used are A for
Aluminum Oxide and C for Silicon Carbide, and
occasionally SG for seeded gel. The prefix is the
manufacturer’s designation for a particular type.
The grit size is a number referring to the size of
the abrasive grain in the wheel. The lower the
number the coarser the wheel - 10 is a very
coarse wheel for roughing and 220 is usually the
upper range for fine finish work.
Grade is an indication of the hardness of the
wheel, with A being softest to Z the hardest.
Bond Type refers to the type of bonding material
used to hold the abrasive material. Most general
purpose wheels will have a V indicating Vitrified
clay is used, providing a high strength and good
porosity. The other most common is B for resin
where synthetic resins are used. These are used
to grind cemented carbide and ceramic materials
There may be other numbers inserted which
have meaning for a particular type of wheel.
Refer to the manufacturer’s technical data for a
complete explanation.

WWhheeeell SSeelleeccttiioonn