Blade Tension
Proper blade tension is essential to long blade life, straight cuts, and efficient cutting.
Two major signs that you do not have proper blade tension are: 1) the blade stalls in the cut and slips on the wheels, and 2) the blade frequently breaks from being too tight.
To tension the blade on the bandsaw:
1.Make sure the blade is tracking properly.
3.Slide the blade guides as far apart as they will go, then tighten them down again.
4.Turn the tension knob clockwise to tighten the blade, or counterclockwise to loosen the blade.
Note: To fine tune blade tension, use a blade tensioning gauge, like the one found in SECTION 5: ACCESSORIES on Page 24. Please follow the instructions included with your gauge and the blade manufacturer's recommendations on blade tension.
Operation Tips
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Tips for horizontal cutting:
JhZi]Zldg`hideidfj^X`anVcYVXXjgViZan Xji bjai^eaZ e^ZXZh d[ hidX` id i]Z hVbZ aZc\i]#
8aVbei]ZbViZg^Va[^gban^ci]Zk^hZ_Vlhid ZchjgZ V higV^\]i Xji i]gdj\] i]Z bViZg^Va! VcY jhZ i]Z edh^i^kZ adX` id heZZY egdYjX" i^dc#
AZii]ZWaVYZgZVX][jaaheZZYWZ[dgZZc\V\" ^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#CZkZghiVgiVXjil^i]i]Z WaVYZ ^c XdciVXi l^i] i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ hZZ Figure 27#
8]^eh h]djaY WZ XjgaZY VcY h^akZgn# >[ i]Z X]^ehVgZi]^cVcYedlYZga^`Z!^cXgZVhZndjg [ZZYgViZ#
7jgcZYX]^eh^cY^XViZVcZZYidgZYjXZndjg WaVYZheZZY#
LV^i jci^a i]Z WaVYZ ]Vh XdbeaZiZan hideeZY WZ[dgZgZbdk^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ[gdbi]Zk^hZ! VcY Vkd^Y idjX]^c\ i]Z Xji ZcY ^i XdjaY WZ kZgn]di
Hjeedgi adc\ e^ZXZh hd i]Zn ldci [Vaa l]Zc Xji! VcY [aV\ i]Z ZcY id VaZgi eVhhZgh"Wn d[ ediZci^VaYVc\Zg#
6Y_jhii]ZWaVYZ\j^YZhVhXadhZVhedhh^WaZ id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ id b^c^b^oZ h^YZ"id"h^YZ WaVYZbdkZbZci#
JhZXddaVcil]Zcedhh^WaZid^cXgZVhZWaVYZ a^[Z#
Figure 27#Ine^XVaegdeZghiVgi^c\edh^i^dc#
G9742 5" x 6" Metal Cutting Bandsaw |