-12- G9744Z Metal Cutting Bandsaw
The Model G9744Z was carefully packed when it
left our warehouse. If you discover the mac hine
is damaged after you have signed for delivery,
please immediately call Customer Service at
(570) 546-9663 for advice.
Save the containers and all packing materials for
possible inspection by the carrier or its agent.
Otherwise, filing a freight claim can be difficult.
When you are co mpletely satisfied with the con-
dition of your shipment, you should inventory the
Wear safety glasses dur-
ing the entire setup pro-
This machine p resents
serious injury haz ards
to untrained users. Read
through this entire manu-
al to become familiar with
the controls and opera-
tions before starting the


Setup Safety

The following items are needed to complete the
setup process, but are not included with your
Description Qty
Safety Glasses (for each person) .............. 1
Solvent Cleaner ..........................................1
Shop Towels ...............................................1
Mounting Hardware (optional) ....................1
Forklift or Hoist ...........................................1
Assistant .....................................................1
Wrench 12mm ............................................1

Items Needed for


The Model G9 744Z is
an extremely heavy
machine. Serio us per-
sonal injury may occur if
safe moving methods are
not followed. To be sa fe,
you will need assistanc e
and power equipment
when moving the ship -
ping crat e and remov-
ing the machine from the