-16- G9744Z Metal Cutting Bandsaw
Moving & Placing Base UnitThe Model G9744Z is
an extreme ly heavy
machine. Serious per-
sonal injury may occur if
safe moving methods are
not followed. To be sa fe,
you will need assistanc e
and power equi pment
when moving the ship -
ping crat e and remov-
ing the machine from the
Figure 6. G9744Z lifting points.
Although not required, we recommend that you
mount your new machine to the floor. Because
this is an optional step and floor materials may
vary, floor mounting hardware is not included.
Generally, you can either bolt your machine to
the floor or mount it on machine mounts. It will
be necessary to level your machine after mount-
ing. If you choose to set your machine o n the
floor, four M12-1.75 x 50 leveling bolts have been
Bolting to Concrete Floors
Lag shield anchors with lag bolts (Figure 7)
and anchor studs are two popular methods for
anchoring an object to a concrete floor.
Mounting to Shop FloorNOTICE
Anchor studs are stronger and mor e per-
manent alternatives to lag shield anchors;
however, t hey will stick out of the floor,
which may cause a tripping hazard if you
decide to move your machine.
Using Machine Mounts
Using machine mounts, shown in Figure 7, gives
the advantage of fast leveling and vibration reduc-
tion. The large size of the foot pads distributes the
weight of the machine.
Figure 7. Typical options for machine
The Model G9744Z comes with lifting brackets
installed on the base. Use a forklift and straps
rated for the machine weight to lift the machine
off the pallet and onto a suitable location (see
Figure 6). The lifting brackets can be removed
and saved for future use.
Lag Shield
Anchor w/Lag