Supplies/Tools |
| Wooden Rim |
The majority of the wooden components in this kit are fully machined from the factory and are ready for assembly. A small amount of sanding and fin- ishing will need to be performed to complete the banjo.
Recommended Tools & Supplies:
•Finishing Supplies
•#180, #240, and #320
•Sanding Block
•Paste Filler
•”000” Grade Steel Wool
•Masking Tape
•Razor Blade
•Razor Saw
•Long Shank Eye Screws
•Tack Cloth
•Coping, Jig, or Scroll Saw (Optional)
•4mm or 5/32" drill bit
The banjo wooden rim has been rough sanded at the factory; however, no finish has been applied.
To sand the wooden rim:
1.Wear an
2.Using either an electric palm sander or a sanding block, sand the wooden rim with #180 grit
3.Sand the wooden rim with a #240 grit sand- ing paper until there is a consistent scratch pattern on the entire surface.
4.Sand the wooden rim with a #320 grit sand- ing paper until there is a consistent scratch pattern on the entire surface.
5.Wipe the wooden rim with a damp cloth. Wiping the workpiece with a damp cloth before the final sanding helps to “raise” the wood grain; thus, allowing the “raised” grain to be sanded smooth.
6.Once the wooden rim is dry, repeat step 4.
7.Fill the wood pores with a paste filler accord- ing to the manufacturer’s instructions.
8.When the paste filler is dry, use “000” grade steel wool to remove the residue and polish the wood surface.
9.Wipe the wooden rim with a tack cloth to remove all remaining sanding dust.
H3124 Banjo Kit |