Buffing Wheel
Buffing wheels are available for most types of metals and for different stages in the buffing process. The following pictures and descriptions describe some of the more common wheel types:
Laminated Sisal Designed for rough cut- ting, sisal works well with various steels, copper, aluminum and brass to remove scratches and prepare the piece for polishing.
Loose Muslin
polishing surface. Perfect for polishing stainless steel, chrome, gold or silver.
Spiral Sewn
Consist of layers of 100% unbleached cot- ton sheeting that are spiral sewn 1⁄8" apart. Works well for initial polish on brass, stain- less steel, aluminum, bronze and cast iron.
Airway Soft
Made of 100% cotton sheets and held togeth- er with a steel retainer. Pleats in the material help hold compound. These wheels are great for polishing soft metals and plastics.
Airway Hard
Made of 100% cotton sheets that are treated to stiffen the material. Pleats in the material help hold compound. These are great for rough cutting plastics and initial polishing a wide variety of metals.
Check with your current Grizzly catalog for avail- ability on any of these wheel types.
Buffing Compound
Most colors of abrasives have similar applica- tions, but always check with the manufacturer of your particular compound. Grizzly offers the fol- lowing compounds:
Red Rouge — Made for fine polishing on brass and gold. Provides an excellent shine when used with the loose muslin buffing wheel.
Green (Extra Fine) — Great for
White — Great for ivory, plastic and resins when used successively with the soft spiral sewn and soft airway buffing wheels.
Black — Designed to be used with sisal and air- way hard buffing wheels, this compound is perfect for the initial rough cut on stainless steel and iron.
Tripoli — A true
Green (Fine) — Slightly more abrasive than the extra fine green, this green compound is great for a medium to fine polish with most softer metals.
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