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Box Contents: (Figures 1 | Qty | |
A. | Router Table Extension Wing | 1 |
B. | Hold Down Assemblies | 4 |
C. | Table Insert 29mm | 1 |
D. | Table Insert 60mm | 1 |
E. | Extension Legs | 2 |
F. | Adjustable Feet with Hex Nuts | 2 |
| A |
| B |
| C |
| E | D |
| F |
Figure 1. Router table extension wing inventory.
G. | Vertical Bracket | 1 |
H. | Horizontal Bracket | 1 |
I. | Guard | 1 |
Figure 2. Router table guard inventory.
Hardware and Tools (Not Shown): |
| |
Router Table |
| |
• Hex Bolts | 3 | |
• Lock Washers 3⁄8" (Rtr/Main Table) | 3 | |
• Flat Washers 3⁄8" (Rtr/Main Table) | 3 | |
• Hex Bolts | 2 | |
• Lock Washers 3⁄8" (Rtr Table/Rail) | 2 | |
• Flat Washers 3⁄8" (Rtr Table/Rail) | 4 | |
• Hex Nuts | 2 | |
• Flat Head Screws | 4 | |
• | Flat Washers 1⁄4" (Rail/Leg) | 2 |
• Hex Nuts | 2 | |
Guard |
| |
• Phillips Head Screws | 2 | |
• | Flat Washers #8 | 6 |
• | Lock Washers #8 | 2 |
• | Hex Nuts | 2 |
• Wood Screws #8 x 3⁄4" | 2 | |
• Phillips Head Screws | 4 | |
• Carriage Bolts | 2 | |
• | Flat Washers 1⁄4" | 2 |
• | Wing Nuts | 2 |
If you cannot find an item on this list, check the mounting location on the machine or the packaging materials. Sometimes parts are
Keep children and pets away from plastic bags or packing materials unpacked with this machine. Discard immediately.