I]Z jceV^ciZY hjg[VXZh d[ ndjg bVX]^cZ VgZ XdViZY l^i] V ]ZVkn"Yjin gjhi egZkZciVi^kZ i]Vi egZkZcihXdggdh^dcYjg^c\h]^ebZciVcYhidgV\Z#
I]^h gjhi egZkZciVi^kZ ]Vh WZZc ndjg bVX]^cZh XadhZ Vaan VcY \jVgY^Vc h^cXZ ^i aZ[i i]Z [VXidgn# >[ ndjg bVX]^cZ Vgg^kZY id ndj [gZZ d[ gjhi! i]Zc WZ i]Vc`[ja i]Vi i]Z gjhi egZkZciVi^kZ egdiZXiZY ^i Yjg^c\ ^ih _djgcZn###VcY ign id hiVn i]Vc`[ja Vh ndjXaZVc^id[[!WZXVjhZ^iXVcWZX]VaaZc\^c\id gZbdkZ^[ndjVgZjcegZeVgZYVcY^beVi^Zci#
EaVc dc heZcY^c\ hdbZ i^bZ XaZVc^c\ ndjg bVX]^cZ# I]Z i^bZ ndj heZcY Yd^c\ i]^h l^aa gZlVgYndjl^i]hbddi]ha^Y^c\eVgihVcYVWZiiZg VeegZX^Vi^dc[dgi]ZegdeZgXVgZd[ndjgbVX]^cZh jceV^ciZYhjg[VXZh#
6ai]dj\] i]ZgZ VgZ bVcn lVnh id hjXXZhh[jaan gZbdkZ i]Z gjhi egZkZciVi^kZ! i]ZhZ ^chigjXi^dch lVa`ndji]gdj\]l]Vildg`hlZaa[dgjh#
Before cleaning, gather the following: 9^hedhVWaZGV\h
Figure 3. Model H9692 Industrial Orange Power
Cleaner/Degreaser (99.9% biodegradable).
Note:In a pinch, automotive degreasers, mineral SPIRITSSORR7$s CANNBEEUSEDDTOOREMOVEERUSTTPRE- ventative. Before using these products, though, test them on an inconspicuous area of your paint to make sure they will not damage it.
Gasoline and petroleum products have low flash points and can explode or cause fire if used to clean machinery. Avoid using these products to clean machinery.
Many cleaning solvents are toxic if inhaled. Minimize your risk by only using these products in a well ventilated area.
Basic steps for removing rust preventative:
1. Eji dc hV[Zin \aVhhZh VcY Y^hedhVWaZ \adkZh#
2. 8dViVaahjg[VXZhi]Vi]VkZgjhiegZkZciVi^kZ l^i]Va^WZgVaVbdjcid[ndjgXaZVcZg$YZ\gZVh" ZgVcYaZii]ZbhdV`[dg[Zlb^cjiZh#
3. L^eZd[[i]Zhjg[VXZh#>[ndjgXaZVcZg$YZ\gZVh" Zg^hZ[[ZXi^kZ!i]ZgjhiegZkZciVi^kZl^aal^eZ d[[ZVh^an#
Note:To clean off thick coats of rust preven- tative on flat surfaces, such as tables, use a PLASTIC paint scraper to scrape off the majority of the coating before wiping it off with your rag. (Do not use a metal scraper or you may scratch your machine.)
4. GZeZViSteps