H7945/H7946/H7995 26° Angle Nailer -5-
SETUPFigure 1. Model H7945 /H7946/H7995 inventory.
Your Model H7945/H7946/H79 95 left our
warehouse in a carefully packed box. If
you discover the nailer is damage d after
you have signed for delivery, please imme-
diately call Customer Service at (570) 546-
9663 for advice.
Save the containers and all packing mate-
rials for possible inspec tion by the car-
rier or its ag ent. Otherwise, filing a freig ht
claim can be difficult.
When you are completely sati sfied with
the condition of the sh ipment, you s hould
inventory the equipment.
After you open the nailer box, you should
find the following.
Model H7945/H7946/H7995 Inventory
(Figure 1)
A. Nailer ..................................................1
B. Nailer Case ........................................ 1
C. Pneumatic Tool Oil ............................ 1
D. Hex Wrenches 3, 4mm .............1 Each
E. Nail Assortment (not shown) ..............1